What does it mean to be in a guild?

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Breaking what seemed to be some sort of staring contest between you and Sting, you ran towards him at full speed as he stared in awe at (mainly) Natsu's destruction of the inn.

"Eyes on me asshole!" You snarled as you sent a punch towards his stomach which he managed to dodge. He didn't say anything as he clenched his fists and bared his teeth in frustration. Whilst you and Sting were having a mini showdown the other members of Sabertooth were dropping like flies at the hands of Natsu.

Before you could ready another attack to some no name who was standing in the way of you and Sting, you felt an intimidating presence take over.

"Do you have some business with me you brats?" The towering man known as Sabertooth's master growled. You didn't like to admit it, but you were scared. This man was about three times the size of you and if his muscular physique was anything to go off, he could probably kick you out with a single punch. You gulped down your fear and took a step forward, preventing Natsu from saying something that would get you into even more trouble.

"Yukino" you started off, "you kicked her out...because of one measly lo-"before you could finish Natsu engulfed his hands in flames. "If you lose to me then you have to quit the guild too" he seethed. You internally cringed, this guy is the master for carrying out loud! He'd kick your asses!

The members of Sabertooth were staring with their jaws on the ground as they stared at the two of us, their master however, was somewhat amused.

"Are our serious? You dumb brats!" He growled.

"People who take their friends and comrades for granted...are even worse than scum!" Natsu said, clenching his teeth.

'This has nothing to do with you, normal people don't come barging in over something like that!' Sting mentally yelled, however he couldn't't help but feel that Natsu had somewhat of a point. It brought him back to what Rouge had said to him earlier that night.

"Yukino..." Rouge started "she was a member of our guild, yet she was tossed aside over one loss, is...is this really what a guild should be like?" he inquired feeling somewhat guilty. "That's how it is, she lost and so she gets kicked out" Sting wags his finger, acting all nonchalant "you know how master is. We don't have room for weaklings like her" he shrugged.

You placed a hand on Natsu's shoulder "look, we've made our point, we should go" you tried to reason as you looked around at all of the destruction you've caused by barging in. He simply ignored you as Sabertooth's master had another guild member take on Natsu, deeming him unworthy of his time.

"Out of my way!" Natsu spoke in a scathing tone as he punched the guy, sending him to the ground. Sabertooth's master must have found this funny as he started chuckling.

"Master, let m-"Sting eagerly shouted before you stepped in front of him as you prepared to take him on if he came closer. Everyone in this guild was just as guilty as he was, but something about him specifically just pissed you off; perhaps it was the way he would irritate you every chance he got before this event, or maybe its just because he's another dragon slayer and what he did was unforgivable. Jiemma (their master) quickly stopped him before you and Natsu looked at each other, no sooner than that Natsu charged at him at full speed whilst you served as backup. Natsu surprisingly managed to Land a hefty blow considering Jiemma's size compared to Natsu and this continued whilst you glared at every one who made eye contact with you.

"Fire dragon's Iron Fist!" What seemed to be the final assault of Natsu's barrage...it had no effect. Instead stood an elegantly dressed woman with her hands outstretched between Natsu and Jiemma, although he didn't seem pleased that she'd interrupted.

SMUG! Sting Eucliffe X F! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now