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After enduring straight up torture when unlocking your second origin, you and the rest of team Natsu and team Shadowgear were once again riding the 'carriages of death' you were tempted (as much as it hurt your pride) to ask Wendy to cast her Troia spell but decided against it considering she's also in extreme pain from unlocking her second origin. 

Once you had all arrived back at the guild hall, your stomach didn't even have time to recover before you had to lug yourselves inside to hear who master had picked to be on the team. 

Cosmo sympathetically patted your shoulder "There there Y/N, you'll be okay" She soothed. 

With your stomach pain subsiding, you carefully listened to Master Makarov with butterflies in your stomach, as he announced who he'd put on the team.




"I won't let you down master"


She simply nodded her head.

'Of course those three would get chosen'



'Please pick me' 

"And Wendy" 



Your face fell into one of disappointment, but was quickly replaced by one of determination. 'With this team, we'll definitely win the games' 

You ran up to them all and congratulated them on being chosen. "Wow Wendy, even a runt like you was chosen. Well done" She turned to you with her whole body shaking in anxiety. 

"But I didn't want to be chosen" She cried as she ran up to Master Makarov; "Master please, why couldn't you have chosen Gajeel or Laxus" 

Master mumbled something under his breath that you didn't bother responding to.

"I'm sorry you didn't get picked Y/N" Cosmo uttered. You sighed and patted her head "it's alright, besides they're all strong, so we'll definitely be able to win the games" 

You were just about to take a seat when you heard someone call your name. "Y/N, follow me to my office" you and Cosmo looked at each other in confusion; before you shrugged your shoulders, and decided to follow him.

After closing the door behind you, you were met with the faces of Mirajane, Laxus, Gajeel, and "Mystogan…? No wait you're Jellal aren't you?" He simply nodded his head.

"Master why did you call us all here?" Mirajane voiced everyone's thoughts. Master paused before breaking out into a shit-eating grin. 

"All of you, will be participating in the games"  You all gasped in surprise.

"Wait what!?" You shrieked "but you already picked the team haven't you?"  Master chuckled again as he held up a piece of paper. You all gathered around the paper and read it carefully. 

'This year, each guild is allowed to enter a maximum of two teams' 

"You will be known as Fairytail team B" a small smile appeared on your face "that sounds great to me" Mirajane giggled. You nodded your head in agreement. 

"Hell no!" Gajeel and Laxus grumbled. "I don't want to be put in team B if salamander is in team A" Gajeel complained. 

Makarov put his hand up to silence him before speaking again. "If your team wins the games, then team A will have to do whatever you want them to for a whole day" 

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