Let the Grand Magic Games...Begin!

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As you and your team sat in the shadows of the arena, so that the crowd couldn't see, you were trying to calm your nerves before they began to announce the teams.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to squeal and look back towards the culprit, which was none other than Laxus.

"What are you so nervous for? Come on we've faced so much worse and you're telling me that you're getting nervous over a competition?" he deadpanned. You huffed before turning to face him completely.

"It's not just that, it's just...what if I fail? I'd bring shame to our guild, and it'd prove those assholes at Sabertooth right..." you confessed.

Laxus sighed before grinning "It's okay to lose sometimes, as long as you give it your all and don't give up and keep going until the end, no one would blame you; and you certainly wouldn't be bringing any shame to the guild. You're a skilled, no one can deny that so don't put yourself down."

You looked up at Laxus with admiration and with some newfound confidence, you felt your nerves die down a little. Before you could say anything else, Matoi's voice was heard loudly around the arena.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for attending this year's Grand Magic Games!" the crowd responded with a roar of cheers and excitement.

"Now it's time to announce the teams!! In last place we have..." he stopped to build up the tension.

You turned to Gajeel next to you and whispered, "imagine if team A came in last".

"wouldn't that put us off to a good start" he chuckled.

"Matoi's voice rung in your ears once again. "Fairytail Team A"

You couldn't help it as a loud cackle erupted from your throat as you wiped the tears from your eyes.


"It seems they've replaced Wendy with Elfman for now." Mira chuckled.

However, your laughter was soon cut by the jeering and booing of the crowd.

"What the hell...!?" Gajeel seethed.

"In seventh place we have Quatro Cerberus!"

You watched as a group of men, all who seemed very confident- too confident for having come in seventh place, you looked up to where the rest of their guild was, and you didn't see a single female.

'Must be a guy only guild'.

"In sixth place we have everyone's favourite ladies, give it up for Mermaid Heel!"

The crowd once again roared, mostly men....'guys are gross'.

"In fifth, we have the handsome trimen of Blue Pegasus".

You were starting to get bored; you just wanted them to announce team B.

"In fourth is Lamia Scale!"

Everything seemed normal there, except for this weird girl who looked like a mini-Sherry and for the love of God she wouldn't shut up about love.

"In third, making a strong debut into the grand magic games is Raven Tail!"

You, along with every other member of your guild visibly tensed and felt your blood run cold.

"What the hell are they doing here!?" Laxus could barely control his anger. After all, it's his deadbeat father's guild.

"In second place we have..."

"Remember, Mystogan isn't talkative at all so don't blow it" Mira reminded Jellal.

You looked at each of your teammates and with a determined look in your eyes, you collectively stepped out from the shadows facing the whole arena.

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