Chapter 11: So It Begins

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After the reward for cleaning the storage room, Y/n is tired and ready for bed. However, Nika and Sandra have planned a special night for Y/n that will keep him up all night long.

Diamond-Cut Plaza, Sub-level 8, 6:43 pm


After Felicia and I had finished our... activity. Felicia headed back to her work, and I met up with the girls. We just hung out until Nika and Natali's shifts were over. However, Natali wouldn't make eye contact with me, Sandra just lay back and soaked up the sun, and Nika had this toothy grin the whole time. Once their shift was over, we all went and got something to eat. After eating Sandra, Nika, and I said goodbye to Natali and then we headed home on the bus.

Not a word was said on the way to their house, Sandra I could understand because she couldn't speak but Nika was usually quiet. We arrived at our local bus stop around 9 pm and got off the bus and headed for the front door. Sandra unlocked it and we went inside. "I'm going to go have a shower before bed," I said as Sandra closed and locked the front door. "Very well," Nika respawned and headed for her room. Sandra headed for her room as well. "Strange, could they smell Felicia on me and be angry at me?" I asked myself.

I went to the bathroom grabbed a towel, got undressed, and took a shower. After my shower, I dried off with the towel. I picked up my clothes and walked to my room with just the towel around my waist. I opened the door and walked in but before I could shut the door myself, it was slammed shut by someone else. Turning around I found Nika and Sandra standing there wearing very skimpy lingerie.

(Not my Artwork)

Nikolya "Nika" Akulova

(Not my Artwork)

Sandra "Emerald" Gowon

(Sandra's lingerie)

My jaw dropped. Nika's lingerie wasn't even covering anything it should, while Sandra's lingerie was only covering those areas. "Like what you see, Y/n?" Nika cooed. I was speechless. "Heehee, guess you do like it," Nika said pointing down. I look down to see my boner lifting up the towel. "You have been gone for two days having sex with other women," Nika started. "Making us feel lonely... unwanted." Nika walked up to me. "Uh... No, no that wasn't it," I stuttered. "Then how about you make it up to us," Nika cooed. Nika kissed me for a few seconds then pushed me onto the bed. "Prepare yourself Y/n," Nika spoke. "This is going to get loud."



Uncensored Various



(End of Lemon)

I placed Sandra's head on my chest, she seemed to have passed out but had a smile on her face. Nika looked like she was going to pass out too. Nika looked up at me. "This... this is the best day of my life Y/n," Nika stated. Nika moved and kissed me. She then placed her head on my chest too and quickly fell asleep. I looked behind Nika, the clock said 4:01 am. "Hmm," I mumbled. I also see the blanket that got shoved over the night's activities.

I carefully reached over and pulled it over the three of us placing it up to the girl's shoulders. After that, I sat there looking at Nika and Sandra. I could feel their breath on my chest. I then looked at my left hand and the strange symbol on it. "So, this is how it began," I mumbled. I placed my hand down and wiggled around getting more comfortable while trying not to wake the girls. I finally got comfy and very quickly tiredness overtook me, and I fell asleep.

Author Note: This chapter might look short but most of it was a lemon and had to be removed. Go to Archive or Sofurry for the full chapter.

(Human/Furry Harem) Marrai Realm: New World (Censored)Where stories live. Discover now