Chapter 9: Golden Tower (Censored)

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While Y/n and Dasha are having breakfast Dasha gets a call from her mother about needing her help back home. As Dasha leaves Y/n meets up with Eva for their date. Y/n meets the owner of the Golden Towel and then meets up with a snow pattern cat.

Golden Tower, floor 11, room 23, 9:30 am


After 2, 3, maybe 4 showers we were clean, Dasha and I dried ourselves off, got dressed, and headed for the living room. Dasha went to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. After 10 minutes or so Dasha walked over with two plates and handed me one of them. "Thank you, Dasha," I spoke. "You're welcome," Dasha said.

(Not my Artwork)

Dasha Grizzle

I looked at the plate. There were 4 sausages, 2 pieces of toast, home fries or what amounted to them, and one giant egg yolk. "I'm not even going to ask what laid that," I thought to myself. As we ate I looked over at Dasha. She had this serious face staring back at me. "Uh," I muttered. "Is something the matter, Dasha?"

"It's just, ever since I met you a couple of days ago, I've been trying to figure out what species you are," Dasha stated. "I thought if I spent some time with you, I'd get a better idea but, even after our magical night I still have no idea what you are." "Hmm, so was the mystery of what I am what drew you to me?" I asked.

"Well, you are very funny-looking compared to other Marrains," Dasha stated. "Oh, so I'm funny-looking ah?" I spoke. "Well, maybe I won't tell you then." Dasha's eyes opened thinking she insulted me. "No-no-no, I didn't mean any offense. You just look so different from any other Marrian species I've met." Dasha spoke as she continued eating. "Alright," I responded. "The reason why you can't figure out what Marrain specie I am is because I'm not a Marrain, I'm Human."

Dasha spit out what she had in her mouth. "Say..." Dasha started but coughed. "Say that again!" Dasha got right up in my face. "That I'm not a Marrain, I'm Human," I spoke. Dasha grabbed me by the shoulders. "Are you? You better not be lying." Dasha said as she shook me.

I raise and place my hands on each side of her face to stop the shaking. "Dasha." I started. "I... am... Human." Dasha stood there in silence until she flopped onto the couch. "Wow." Dasha finally spoke. "You do exist." "Is it that shocking?" I asked and continued. "YES!!" Dasha roared jumping out of her seat.

"Why are you here? Where have you been hiding? How many of you are there? What happened to your civilization? Who..." Dasha rhymed off shaking me again until I clamped her mouth shut with my hand. "Slow down there or you'll bite your tongue," I remarked. Dasha let me go and sat back down. "To answer your questions, nothing happened to our civilization, there are about 7 billion of us, we are not hiding we're just not here in this realm, and for why I'm here, your Goddess Marrai brought me here."

"WHAT!!" Dasha roared again getting up once more and shaking me once more. "The Goddess Marrai brought you here to her Realm." "Yes, now would you please stop shaking me," I asked. "Sorry," Dasha responded. "Wait... does that mean Humans aren't in or from Marrai's Realm?" Dasha asked. "Ya, we are from a planet we call Earth in our realm or dimension that Marrai didn't create," I stated.

"Wow," Dasha spoke. "So, um, why are you here? Why did Marrai bring you here?" I looked over at Dasha. "Hmm, I better not tell her I've met Marrai in person or something like that," I thought. "She... gave me a vision when she first brought me here." Dasha seemed to be hanging on every word. "She found me very gifted and interesting," I continued. "She was right about that," Dasha stated, I smiled. "She thought I could liven things up here as well as put my gifts to good use," I added. "And by the visions she's given me since I would say she is very pleased with my interactions so far." "Interesting," Dasha said. "Well, you have certainly livened things up for me now."

(Human/Furry Harem) Marrai Realm: New World (Censored)Where stories live. Discover now