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"i didn't know it was fancy dress." Brian said as Freddie and Hyacinth came over to the table.

"Well we've got to make an impression darling."  Freddie replied.

"You look like an angry lizard." Brian said to Freddie, making Roger laugh. "And what's up with your shoes?"

"They're a fashion statement love." Cynth said, taking a seat next to Brian and opposite Roger.

"It's your best work Freddie." Deaky commented. "Very subtle."

"You gonna fly away?"

"Can i borrow it for sunday church?"

"Is that my shirt?" Roger asked, eyeing Hyacinths top that had evidently been altered to fit her.

"It was."

"You stole my shirt."

"Borrowed it."

The duo's bickering was put to a stop by a man coming to sit at the table.

"So this is Queen." He looked around. "And you, must be Freddie Mercury. You've got a gift, all of you. So tell me, what makes Queen different from all of the other wannabe rockstars i meet?"

"I'll tell you what it is." Freddie started. "We're five misfits who don't belong together, playing for the other misfits, the outcasts, right at the back of the room who are pretty sure they don't belong either. We belong to them."

"We're a family." Brian stated.

"But no two of us are the same." Roger said.

"Well i'd argue that you and Cynth are basically the same person but-" Deaky was cut off by another man coming over and placing a cup of tea down in front of John Reid.

"Paul." Reid greeted him. "Paul Prenter. Meet Queen. Our new signing."

Everyone looked at each other and Hyacinth heard Brian let out a sigh of relief.

"Paul will be looking after you day to day." Reid continued. "If i can get you on the radio, maybe i can get you on television."

"Top of the pops?" Roger and Hyacinth asked, both in the same tone at the same time.

They both glanced at each other, too excited about being signed to go along with their childish fighting in the moment, and instead they both slightly smiled at each other.


"And then?" Freddie asked.

"And then?" John repeated. "It's only the biggest television programme in the country - no one's ever even heard of you - look, i admire your enthusiasm, if it goes well, if it happens i've got a promotional tour of japan in mind."

"We'll want more." Freddie asked, and Hyacinth laughed.

Of course we want more

"Every band wants more."

"Every band's not Queen."

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