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"We sold out every pub and uni south of Glasgow, and im stuck in the middle of nowhere, eating a ham sandwich!"

"Could be worse.. you could be eating a tuna sandwich."

As soon as she said that, roger broke off a piece of his sandwich and threw it at her. Before she had the chance to retaliate, Deaky cut in, preventing the murder of his band mate.

"Cynth, would you please Get up off the floor and help me fix the tire."

"Bite me."

"Don't do it Deaky, you might to get rabies."

"You fucker-"

"Would you two please stop squabbling for two minutes, and help Deaky fix the tire." Freddie said, looking up from his newspaper at the two.

"Hey why do we have to help? Why don't you help Jonny boy?" She said earning a supportive 'yeah!' from the drummer.

"Because you two are obsessed with cars and if anyone knows how to change a tire it's you." Brian explained, earning an eye roll from both of them.

"Why don't we just fix the flat one? I have duct tape and a hairdryer in my purse, we can just blow it up again and stick it back together."

"Why do you have- you know, I don't even wanna know." Deaky muttered, and got back to changing the tyre.

"Well the duct tape's for if I need to kidnap anyone, and the hairdryer is for blinding them when they won't stop screaming for help."

"You can blind people with hairdryers?"

"If you dry their eyes enough, probably." She shrugged and the drummer took a step back, scared of what she'd do to him, given the chance.

"Trouble is, we're not thinking big enough." Freddie stated, trying to steer the conversation away from the inevitable outcome of hyacinth blinding Roger.

"What've you got in mind, Fred?"

"An album."

"We can't afford an album." Deaky said.

"Oh we'll find a way; how much do you think we can get for this van?"

"I hope you're joking."


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