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"He's right that show was a load of bollocks"

"Well, there was room for improvement, yeah."

"I've got better things to do on my Saturday nights." he put the bottle of beer to his lips and took a drink, not seeing the familiar brunette walking towards them. "I could give you their names."

"We get it, you're a manwhore." She sat in between the two band members with her legs crossed and threw her bag behind her into the van. "Where's the third one?"

"He quit.. joined humpy bong." Brian handed her a bottle of cherry coke, knowing she wasn't too keen on beer.

"You'll find someone new.. I never liked him anyway, he was creepy."

Roger put his arm around her shoulders, opening his mouth to speak but was interrupted.

"Enjoyed the show."

They thanked him while Hyacinth stared him down, she liked his outfit - it was a fashion statement, it stood out.

"I've been following you for a while actually. Smile, makes sense for a dental student." he nodded at Roger and turned his head to look at Brian, letting his gaze linger on Cynth for a moment. "And you're astrophysics aren't you? Makes you the clever one."

"Yeah I suppose it does, yeah." Brian agreed, glancing at Roger.

"I study design here." He reached into his pockets and pulled out a few pieces of paper. "Also write songs if you're interested."

Cynth took the paper from his hand and read through some of the lyrics, the conversation fading into background noise.

"You're about five minutes too late mate, our lead singer just quit."

"These are really good." She mumbled, and Roger looked over her shoulder, reading from the paper.

"Then you'll need someone new."

"Any ideas?"

"What about me?"

Hyacinth looked up and smiled at him and he returned the smile with his own, though their little moment was cut short by Roger.

"Not with those teeth, mate."

She gave him a hard slap around the head, he took his arm off her shoulder and rubbed the back of his head, muttering a quiet "ow".

The man gave a subtle smile to her and began to walk away, only to turn around and sing the chorus for their song 'doin alright'.

"I'll consider your offer." He winked at
her and walked off.

Brian and Roger looked at each other and nodded before both turning to Hyacinth as if asking for her opinion. She tilted her head and raised her eyebrows, giving them a look that said "you'd be stupid not to have him."

"Do you play bass?" Brian shouted to him, earning a 'no' in response.

"Sounds like you need someone who plays bass." She patted Rogers thigh and looked at Brian.

"No shit, Sherlock." Roger put his arm back onto her shoulders and put a cigarette between his lips, searching his pockets for a light.

"Fuck off, Watson." She took the cigarette and threw it on the ground, ignoring the death stare that was practically burning holes into the side of her head. "They'll kill you."

"Your point?"

"Killing you is my job." She winked at him as he tried - and failed - to hide his smile.

"So," Brian interjected. "Do you play bass, Cynth?"

"Bass is the one Instrument I don't know how to play."

"Too bad.. hey why don't you join the band anyway?" Brian asked, looking as though he had just had the greatest idea ever. "You play every instrument, you sing, you write songs.. there's no reason not to."

She considered it and glanced to Roger for confirmation, when he nodded she looked back at Brian with a laugh.

"Sure, why not." She laughed again and hugged them both, Rogers arm staying around her waist.

"Cheers!" Brian chuckled, opening up another beer, the other two holding up their bottles.

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