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"Roger you're in here. Freddie this is you, biggest room. Brian that's you. John you're downstairs and Hyacinth, you'll have to share with one of the boys." P*ul told the band before leading Deaky to his room.

"So which one of you wankers will I be sharing with?" The brunette called out, going to Brian's room first.



He didn't speak, instead he simply shifted on the bed as if the loud creaking would answer her question. It did, so she went to Freddie's room.

She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the singer. "No."

"Alright then."

She went down to Deaky's room, leaving as soon as she came after seeing how small the bed was.

The only room left was Roger's so she made her way over. Instead of asking if she could share, she simply dumped her bags on the floor, kicked off her shoes, and flopped onto the bed.

"Hiya Rog!" She sang, with a sweet smile that he only returned with a death stare as he watched her drop her bags on the floor and jump onto the bed.

"Why me?"

"Well everyone else-"

"I wasn't talking to you." He sighed and looked up. "Why God? Why do you torture me like this? What have i done to deserve this?"

"Probably a lot of stuf knowing you." She sat up and he came over, lying next to her.

"Wanna fuck?"

"Oh Shush!" she whacked him and got up, taking off her coat and hanging it up.

"Is this you undressing to sleep with me?" He sat up and smirked. "Could at least make it a bit of a show darling."

"Roger Taylor you listen here," She walked over and stood right in front of him, leaning down so their faces were only inches away from each other. "I will not be another one of your little one night stands who never hears from you again."

She continued talking about how Roger treated women, only stopping when she realised his eyes had fallen from hers and were now locked in on her chest, which she had unintentionally given him a very clear view of, what with leaning down and wearing a low cut dress.

"Roger, how long have you been staring at my tits?" She crossed her arms and stood up straight.

"Not too long." He stood up, making her stumble back slightly, and stepped closer until their chests were touching. "Do you mind it?"

SLAP. "Yes of course i mind it." Hyacinth turned and walked out of the room.

Roger slightly smiled, although he would never admit it, he loved how feisty she was, and how she didn't just let him into her bed like almost every other girl he'd ever met.

"What was that noise?" Freddie poked his head through the door.

"Cynth slapped me." He sat back down.

"You probably deserved it."

"I did."

Freddie came in and shut the door behind him.
"How long until you two stop it with the childish arguments and bickering and just.."

"Just what?"

"Admit that you.. have a thing for each other."

Roger had never stood up so fast in his life. "I do not have a thing for Hyacinth!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" He answered confidently, before looking down and wondering if he really was sure. "No! I mean- I don't. I do not." He was less confident answering this time.

Freddie smiled and opened the door. "Think about it." He left Roger with his thoughts.

"Do i?" he muttered to himself, and did think about it, for the rest of the day.

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