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authors note the first chapter was for another fic but i included it in this one it's the worst chapter so pls trust the process it gets sm better as the book goes on!! also all the songs written by the main character (hyacinth) are based off lana del rey songs <3

"Well well Well, look who's late for class."

fuck it.

I thought, and ran round the side of the building.

You see, my astrophysics class has this rule about being late; as long as you're there before the professor, you're on time. And on this occasion, my professor had just walked into the elevator, when I wasn't even in the building yet.

But what this professor didn't know, was that I am weirdly good at climbing.

So, naturally, I did what any student would do to avoid getting late, I climbed up to the 5th floor (keeping in mind that the ceilings are about 20ft for each floor), knocked on the window, slid through onto the floor, and was in my seat with at least 5 seconds to spare.

"Did you just scale the building?"

"Why yes, Brian, yes I did." I replied, just as the professor walked through the door.

He took one look at me and then at the open window and began to say "How the hell-" But was cut off by Bob the security guard. Spoiler alert! He doesn't like me.

"Stop doing that!"

Poor guy was out of breath and red in the face from running up so many stairs.

"My sincerest apologies." I saluted him as he walked off, grumbling something along the lines of 'stupid kids'.

The professor started.. proffesing? Is that a word? Teaching! He started teaching, and I stopped paying attention, drifting into my own little world of daydreams.

<——— ♡ ———>

"Cynth, wake up, class is over."

"Huh? Okay."

Brian grabbed my backpack for me and slung it over his shoulder as I followed him down the stairs.

"So, what'd I miss in this weeks lesson of AP dumbassery?"

"Going over notes from the experiment. You didn't miss much."

I always liked Brian, he was tall like a tree. And he long fluffy hair, though I'm pretty sure curls would suit him better. Something about him reminded me of a poodle.

He was sweet too, and friendly. A bit of a dickhead sometimes but never with bad intentions - a pleasant dickhead.

"Hey, so my band is playing tomorrow night at Lacey's, you should come."

"Can't. Got the dinner shift."

He nodded. "Maybe next time."

"Yeah, of course." I patted his shoulder. "But you have to come see me sing sometime!" I called out, as we parted ways, and he chuckled and nodded again, throwing my bag to me.

"I will, I promise."

<——— ♡ ———>

And then there was electrical engineering, with one of the very few people who speak the amazing language that is commonly known as : hyacinth's nonsense.

It is a very rare language, and only the people who have the privilege of my good company can understand.

In other words, I was going to see Deaky.

John Deacon, I genuinely think he should be considered a national treasure. I love him. He's so lovable, like a puppy!

It's a commonly known fact to people who are familiar with.. me.. that I have a good friendship with Deaky. He's like my brother - only much more tolerable than any of my biological brothers.

We're pretty much perfect together (platonically).

One way to put it, I speak nonsense, he translates said nonsense.

E.g. i says that people don't understand me because my mind is "simply too advanced" while Deaky translates to "she might be autistic".

"Hyacinth? Are you.. on.. time?" Deaky asked, visibly confused.

"Actually I'm early, I just, simply couldn't wait to see you."

"You missed me that much?"

"Well, a little bit of me dies whenever I'm not with you."

"Ah.. how poetic."

We threw our stuff down onto a chair and got to work straight away.

And by 'got to work', I mean I sat on the table while Jonny boy (another nickname I have for him) started working on.. something, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention when they taught us that.

I don't even take electrical engineering but I'd rather chill with Deaky than.. I don't really have anything else to do- that sounds pathetic, it's not.

It's just that Thursdays are always the days where everyone's busy, including Deaky but he's the least reluctant to let me hang out with him.

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