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sunday night.

celebration party.

the mother is waiting downstairs for her son to get dressed she has her hands behind her back leaning against the door she looks up hearing him coming towards her.

she smiles seeing his outfit matching hers both black and gold. his a suit hers a dress,
she cups his face smiling.
my charming boy you look so divine.
thank you momma you look perfect as ever the dress really matches your design.

she giggles before kissing him on the cheek, come our ride is outside.
they step outside seeing a black limo it's shining matching the stars in the sky they enter and the driver begins to drive.
the boy leans on his mother's shoulder clinging to her, she smiles pulling him up let's talk.

while we're at the party I want you to enjoy yourself or at least try, but if you go to far and I tap my heel you come to my side,

but what if I don't hear it

that shouldn't be a problem just pay attention to me when you feel as tho you've gotten far if I'm not in sight then you look for me.

yes ma'am.

good boy, I want you to have fun but I wanna show you off as well my sweet boy.

show me off?
yes like a prize one that only I can touch,
she holds him closely to her chest,
tonight is gonna be a good night.
she puts her hand in his shirt, rubbing the bruise that's on his side from when she stomped him the night before, she was drunk and felt like he needed some extra marks a bit of a reminder for her love, does that feel good,
she says, continuing to gently rub his side. her touch soothing and warm he melts in her arms, she smiles, it was out of love you know that, I know momma that's why we call them love marks, she nibbles on his ear, good boy.

they soon arrive at the party. it's a big building bright lights coming from the inside, they go in and are greeted by laughter seeing people dancing talking music playing having a good time, she grabs her sons hand and begins walking further inside, looking around she spots her friend, her friend comes towards her giving her a hug she's like a sister to her, she has met her son before giving him a hug as well he looks at his mother making sure it's ok, she smiles nodding her head, allowing him to hug her back, soon the mother tells the boy to go have fun, but remember what we talked about, her eyes never leaving his, he nods and his mother kisses him on the cheek before sending him off, he wanders around, as his mother talks with her friend.

he walks with his hands in his pockets, bored,
he leans with his back against a pillar, watching everyone have fun, trying to see if anything interesting will happen, as the minutes go by nothing, sure there's the occasional trips and stumbles from those who had a bit to much to drink, but that's it, he sighs and closes his eyes, before feeling a finger poking his face, he looks up seeing the girl from before, his eyes grow hollow once more,

what is she doing here,

she smiles, that smile, he used to find solace in now fills him with deep despair, she left me, she abandoned me she threw me away replaced me, and looked at me like I was a monster and she has the nerve to smile in my face after what she's done. it's been so long how have you been she says.

he remains silent remembering his mother's words, trying his best to keep his expression calm but having her this close to him makes him wanna scream, he wants to cry the memories flowing in his mind, all the times he was there for her, but when he needed her the most she spit in his face and left him alone, she did far worse to him, it breaks his heart, his soul.

but suddenly he feels something the bruise on his side begins to ache making him remember his mother, her touch her voice her embrace.

he stands up straight putting his hands behind his back, he smiles.
my momma is always with me.
he thinks to himself,

this catches her off guard but she goes along with it she begins trying to start a conversation
as she talks he remains silent her voice ringing in his ear, he stopped breathing as soon as he heard her speak,

the mother is looking around with a frown, her hands behind her back looking for her baby boy,
a few minutes pass and she spots him.
her face begins to fill with hatred as she sees the girl next to him.

he's about to pass out before he hears the tap of a heel, so loud to him, he turns around seeing his mother across the room he regains his breath and begins walking towards her

the girl tries to reach out and touch him hey we weren't done talking, but before she could she freezes as she sees the look on the mothers face she steps back, afraid

he reaches his mother hugging her tightly, she hugs him back not taking her eyes off the girl until she is out of sight, she looks down and rubs her son's face,

you're staying with me for the remainder of our time here is that understood?
yes ma'am.
good boy.

she says strumming his lips with her thumb, now come let's dance they're about to play my favourite song,
they make their way to the floor, just like we practiced , our hands intertwined your left hand on my hip mine on your shoulder,
focus on me focus on our melody lose yourself in the moment.
lose yourself in my eyes, as I lose myself in yours.

the song begins to play.

hold me closely hold me tightly never letting go allow me to take control my hands around your soul your heart at my heel baby dance with me can you hear the melody can you feel the love I have for you it's just you and me in this moment no one else as the world spins and the moon begins to watch as we dance in it's light seeing nothing but our bodies sway together in its sight, tonight is gonna be a good night just you and me let the world watch let them see that our love will last for all eternity.

baby am I stepping to hard your heart is beginning to bleed let's take it slowly I want you to enjoy this just as much as me I want you to enjoy me not just this love that we share but the pain as well, if the pain I give you is to much to bare I'm sorry but it's just the way I love feel it embrace it know that my love will always be there know that I'll always be there, next to you covering you like thorns on a rose never one without the other our body our soul so close, I know you like this feeling and I do to baby what more can I say.
I love you,

I love you as well more than words can express this thing beating through my chest belongs to you everything that I am is yours to command I am what you want me to be I'll do anything to make you happy I never keep you waiting I'm always there when you call my head low feeling your arms and legs begin to wrap around me your love so suffocating it drowns me.

oh but I love it believe me when I say I do I cling to you like blood on snow our body together so beautiful lost who's soul who's heart where do I go with you of course you're the only home I know.

let's continue holding each other lost in the embrace the love that is our own we find comfort and peace in each other's home.

where you go I'll follow.
my eyes lost in yours.
my teeth sinking into your flesh.
we're one.
our souls forever resting together.
with me my darling let's continue to dance
lost in this transe that is our love.
I do.
I love you.
I love you.
very much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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