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class comes to an end and the boy waits for everyone to leave the classroom.
as everyone departs he soon does as well.
walking through the hallways seeing everyone laughing and smiling having a good time.
everyone except him. he doesn't have anyone, not a soul but his mom. he's grateful for her. She's the light in the sky day or night; his mother is always by his side.
when everyone else abandoned him leaving him broken and alone his mother would always hold him in her arms. her embrace always warm but there's a cold fact hidden she likes that he's alone. she likes that he has no one but her. nothing else matters but having him all to herself her precious boy.

he sits alone in a classroom listening to music as it begins to rain outside. he watches enjoying the sight.


the mom listens but barely pays attention to what the meeting is about until she hears one word. celebration we're throwing a celebration party for being one of the top earning companies at the moment let's hope we can keep it that way. the ceo says.
the mother speaks up asking if they could bring guests. I don't see why not the ceo replies.
the mother smile's knowing exactly who she's gonna bring. she can already picture it dancing with her boy she can't wait to show him off. but at the same time she doesn't want anyone looking at what's her's. if he's gonna go she's gonna make sure that everyone knows exactly who he belongs to.

a few hours pass and school ends.
he walks home entering the house.
he's tired but doesn't rest instead he begins to prepare dinner for his mom he knows she's gonna be tired and hungry once she gets back home. he grabs the ingredients and begins cooking. meatloaf and mashed potatoes and gravy. his mother taught him how to cook. he always paid close attention to her methods. she was always good at everything she did and he admired her for it.
as he cuts up the vegetables he cuts his finger it begins to leak he's about to grab a bandaid but his mother comes behind him hugging him. she's back early.
the mother squeezes him tightly.

I missed you. I missed you to momma
she looks at his finger, a frown forming on her lips.
what happened to my baby? she says.

it's nothing. just a cut. without a second to waste she grabs his hand and puts the bleeding finger in her mouth licking the blood off. the boy doesn't even flinch. She's done this countless times.
there all better, she says.
what's on the menu for tonight.
meatloaf mashed potatoes and gravy.
the boy says.
the mother smiles and kisses the boy on the cheek.
that's one of my favourites
thank you for taking care of me.
the mom says, anything for my beautiful momma.
she hugs him. my charming boy. I love you.
I love you.
they say.
the mother goes into the living room to sit down and wait for dinner to be finished.
she wants to do something but she's gonna be patient.

an hour passes and dinner is ready, he prepares the table and calls for his mother.
they sit together and enjoy the meal while having a conversation.
how was school today, the mom asked.
uneventful the boy replies I was just waiting for the day to be over.
I see, did you talk to anyone, her eyes focused on him as she asks. his expression is calm. not a soul I mostly sat alone you should try making friends you never know how good something can be for you.
you know I've tried but everytime it always ends with me being hurt or abandoned.
the mother smiles. hearing his reply she gets up lifting his chin and looking him in the eye,

you'll never have to worry about me abandoning you, I love you far to much for that besides they don't deserve to have someone as wonderful as you all you need is me. no one else.
her eyes never leaving him.
he smiles looking up at his mother.
all I need is you.
once more.
the mother says telling him to repeat.
all I need is you.

good boy. she says stroking his lips with her thumb, and all I need is you all I want is you my precious boy no one else nothing else matters but you. she says hugging him,
yes love?
I would do anything for you.

she smiles, grabbing his hand. come.

she takes him in the bathroom turning the lights low she starts the bath putting in oils and soap taking off her clothes as the tub begins to fill she walks towards him removing his shirt all the way down to his pants until they're both stripped she gets in signalling for him to follow he sits in front of her as she wraps her arms and legs around him holding him tightly his head on her chest.
she lets out a contented sigh happy. saying to herself my boy is all mine.

how was your day.
uneventful she replies
just like you I was waiting for the day to be over. I couldn't wait to see my sweet boy.
he smiles kissing his mother on the cheek.
I couldn't wait to see my beautiful momma, a queen no a goddess amongst the peasants.

she laughs, a goddess am I then that would make you my angel.

an angel?

my angel.
she says kissing him on the lips.
you're mine, never forget that.

I'm yours till the end of time even then my soul will always be yours being reborn into your son each time our life never ending our love always growing and our memories always flowing.

she hugs him tightly. forever my love forever mine you will always be and forever yours I'll stay together till the end of time we will always be together not even the divine can tare us apart our love overflows just like a bleeding heart.

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