Chapter 48 - Epilogue

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Author’s note: Based on the last episode from Charmed; Forever Charmed. And after this, this story is done.


Phoebe, Paris and Paige sat there in the dining room. Then Piper came downstairs and put the Book on the table. Paige stared. “Don’t tell me we have to go fight a demon.”

“No, I don’t think we’ll have to do that anytime soon.” Piper comment.

Phoebe frowned. “Then what’s with the Book?”

“Well, I think we should write everything down. Everything that happened, everything we want future generations to know, so that we can pass it down, just like it was passed down to us.” Piper replied to them.
Phoebe smiled. Paris grinned. Paige nodded. “After you.”

Piper turned the Book. Phoebe found a blank page and uncapped a pen, then writes. “So much has happened over the last eight years. So much has been gained and lost. Still, in some ways, I feel like my life is really just beginning.”


The Angel of Destiny was marrying Phoebe and Coop with the family around. “Do you, Phoebe Halliwell, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Phoebe nodded. “I do.”

“And it was. For though I had loved before, I’d never really known love until I met Coop.”

She and Coop kissed.


Phoebe, pregnant, rushed out with Coop. “A man who I shared this special little girl…”

Phoebe nodded. “Yes, I am okay.” Coop picked up a bag.

“I had long ago foreseen, but feared I might have never have.”

Two girls ran and hugged her. “Mommy, we love you!”

“I love you too.” Phoebe kissed their heads. Coop joined them.

“Along with two other special little girls, I had not foreseen.” The girls got to Billie as Phoebe and Coop rushed out. Phoebe dropped something, but Coop picked it up. “I was suddenly so blessed to have a new family of my own, and old friends to share it with.”

Billie hugged the girls and they waved. “Bye, mommy!”


Phoebe typed on her computer. “And though I kept working and giving advice to those who asked, I was more interested in helping them find love, since, finally, having been loved.” Her poster behind her said Phoebe’s ‘Finding Love.’


Paige wrote in the Book of Shadows. “Phoebe had become somewhat of an expert on the subject. As for me? Life without demons opened up similar avenues.”


Henry brought in a teen. “Henry of course, continued to look after his parolees, even if they didn’t want to be looked after…” Henry saw Paige and the kids, a boy and two girls. “While still making time to help me with little Henry and the twins.”

Henry crouched down and the kids hugged him. They squeal with delight. “There’s my girls!”

“Which allowed me time to finally embrace my inner Whitelighter.”


A Darklighter fired a crossbow at Paige as a woman cowered behind her. “Arrow!” She orbed it back to the Darklighter and he was vanquished. Paige helped the girl up.

“And to help the next generation of witches come into their own.”


Then it was Paris’s turn to write into the Book of Shadows. “I can’t believe it’s all over. In the years that I learned my sisters knowing and what I have gained over time.”


Cole and Paris were in the hospital,  they had just welcomed a daughter. “She is beautiful.” Cole comment happily.

“Lara is.” Paris comment.

Then their son came in. “Is that my little sister?”

“Yes, and her name is Lara, Samuel.” Paris told him.

“I had married a wonderful man and I have wonderful children with him. They are both demon and witch. To with the Elder said, you will bring both worlds together. And I did.”


“I’m finding them, who are the same as me and the children as we help them to gain control.”

Paris looked at a child. “That’s it.”

“Yeah?” The child asked.

“Yes.” Paris replied to her.

“To help the next generation of witches with demon blood.”


Then it was Piper’s turn as then she wrote in the Book of Shadows. “So that Paige could pass on all that she’d learned, not just to her own children, or to mine, or to Paris’s... or to Phoebe’s…”


Piper and Leo were in the parlor. Piper handed out lunch bags to two boys and a girl. “See you later.” The children leave. Piper and Leo kissed.

“But to other future witches and Whitelighters as well. Or even with witches with demon blood.”


Chris and Wyatt were mixing up a potion. “Which filled the time between when we were doing the fighting, and when our kids were old enough to take over.” Chris added something and there’s a small explosion.


Piper was cooking something on the stove. “Allowing me time to get back to my roots and cook something other than potions, for once.” Piper tasted the sauce. “And open the restaurant I’d always dreamed of owning.” She put the spoon down and poured it in. “As for Leo, after we reclaimed Magic School…”


At Magic School. Leo was teaching. “He went back to teaching.”

Leo looked at the children. “So who’d like to try it first?” The kids raise their hands. Leo pointed to a boy. The boy held out his hand and orbed a book to him.

“Which he continued to do until it was time to retire.”

“Awesome. Great job, Matthew.” Leo took the book.

“And although we certainly had our struggles…”


At the Manor, Living room, in the future. Old Piper sat in a chair with a girl, reading the Book of Shadows. “And heartaches over the years, we’re a family of survivors and we will always be. Which is why we’ve truly been Charmed.”

Granddaughter smiled. “Again, Grandmamma, again.”

Old Piper chuckled and closed the Book. “Oh, dear. No, I can’t. I need to rest. But you can look at it for a little while if you’d like, hmmm?” She kissed her head and stood up. Old Leo waited nearby. “After all, it’ll be yours one day.” She took Leo’s hand and they head upstairs. The granddaughter opened the Book.


Old Leo and Old Piper headed up as photos were shown of Wyatt, Chris, Leo, Piper, Grams, Patty, Victor, and the sisters.


The front door opened and children ran in. The granddaughter waved her hand after they came in and the door was closed.


Author’s note: This book is done! I hope to see you in my other stories. Please give it a vote and comment.


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