Chapter 40 - The Day the Magic Died

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Author’s note: Again i skipped 2 episodes, whoops. These are; House Call and Sand Francisco Dreamin’.


Paris got a call from Phoebe that Piper had fainted and was in a hospital. Paris looked seriously at Cole and he grabbed Samuel as then they rushed to the hospital. When they arrived by Piper's room, they were put to a hold by a doctor. “I’m sorry, but who are you all?”

Paris looked angry. “I’m her sister.” She pointed at Cole and Samuel. “My fiancé and my son.” She told him. “If you excuse us, we are going in.”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t go in. There’s already three people in, because more would be busy for miss Halliwell.” The doctor told her seriously.

Paris glanced at Cole. “I’m not in the mood for this.” She made him forget that they were ever there. “Hehe.” And they walked further and opened the door and walked in.


Piper was lying in bed with Phoebe, Paige, Paris, Cole, Samuel and Leo surrounding her. “You scared us.”

“You really did.” Paris added.

Piper looked at them. “Me too. I guess I’m not so invincible after all.”

“Yeah, maybe we need to start taking better care of you.” Paige told her seriously.

Piper looked sad. “No, it was my fault, everybody was telling me to slow down.”

“It’s not your fault. We’re all-in uncharted territory. The Elders said that this was a special child and anything can happen. Let’s not forget that.” Leo comment seriously.

Just then a female doctor walked in carrying a file. “How are you feeling?”

“Eh, tired and weak.” Piper replied to her.

Doctor looked at the file. “I’ve got your test results here but I can’t find your chart. When are you due?”

Piper thought out loud. “Uh, six weeks.”

“And who is your regular doctor?” She asked.

Piper blinked. “Uh… we don’t have one.”

Leo looked at the doctor. “We’ve sorta been seeing alternative medical practitioners.”

“You don’t have an OB/GYN?” She asked confused.

“We’re training to be midwives.” Phoebe replied to her.

“Yep.” Paris added.

Doctor looked at them. “I’m open to all forms of healing but a woman in her third trimester should’ve had ultrasounds and blood work done by now. A medical doctor could have caught your condition earlier.”

Piper looked confused. “My condition?”

“Toxaemia.” She replied seriously. “It’s a form of high blood pressure in pregnant women. Do you deal with unusual stress in your life?”

“Very unusual.” Paige replied.

Piper looked at the doctor. “Is it serious?”

“Toxaemia restricts blood flow and food and oxygen to the placenta. It can result in a small baby, premature delivery or it can lead to other complications, none of which you need to worry about now. Most women respond quickly to the treatment.” Doctor replied, explaining it.

Piper nodded. “Okay, so give me the treatment.”

“The treatment involves a no salt diet, no stress and lots of bed rest. Do that and the symptoms should reverse. I’ll be back later to check on you.” The doctor leaves the room.

Leo looked at Piper. “That’s probably why I couldn’t heal you. High blood pressure isn’t just physical, it’s a state of mind.”

“No stress and bed rest. Do you think you can handle that?” Paige asked to Piper.

Piper nodded. “Yeah, I can handle that. I’ll do anything.”

“So will we.” Phoebe comment to her.


Paris rushed into the room from Piper. “Sorry, came as soon as heard.” Then she saw that Leo and Victor were there as well.

Piper was panicking. “What are we doing? Why are we sitting here? We need to go to the hospital now.”

Leo looked at her. “You need to relax. Your water broke, it’s no need to panic.”

“Leo’s right, Piper.” Paris told her. “But we need to go to the hospital. It’s safer for her.”

Piper looked at them. “No, you are wrong. My due date is six weeks away. This baby is not ready to come out. Please, take me to the hospital.”

“Okay, okay.” Leo surrendered.

Just then Doris walked in. Paris looked at her, she could see her aura, it was dark, black. She needed her sister to be safe. “I just got off the phone with your doctor and she said don’t move until she gets here.”

Piper looked at her. “She’s coming here?”

Doris nodded. “She’s on her way now.” She replied.

“There. See? Everything’s gonna be okay.” Victor comment.

“I also need Phoebe and Paige, they’ve trained so hard for this, they should be here now.” Piper told them.
Leo sighed. “I called Phoebe’s cell phone, there was no answer.”

“Ugh.” Piper groaned.

Victor looked at Leo. “Well, can’t you just, you know, pop over there and get them in that special way you do?”

Leo sighed. “Kinda got a problem with that right now.”

“Ooh!” Piper held her stomach. “Oh my god, contraction.”

“Okay, okay, just breathe.” Doris did breathing exercise. Piper copied her. “Piper needs all the love and support we can give her right now, Leo. Go and get her other sisters.”

Piper looked at Leo. “Please.” Leo kissed Piper on her forehead and leaves. “Okay, it’s over, okay.”

Doris looked at Piper. “Now, the doctor said I need to keep you warm, so I’m gonna change all the sheets and all these wet blankets, alright?”

“I will help Piper.” Paris replied as Doris nodded and leaves with Victor. Then she looked at Piper. “I know magic isn’t working, but i can still see aura’s and Doris's is dark, thus black. A demon.”

Piper panicked. “What do we do?”

“Well, i change you and when Doris comes back, i knock her unconscious and we go to the hospital.” Paris replied.

“Sounds like a plan.” Piper told her.

Then Paris helped her sister change into something else. When they were done, Doris came back. Only her, Victor was nowhere to be found. Then Paris knocked her out and looked at Piper. “Come on, we need to go.”

“Yeah.” Piper comment as Paris helped her up and they went downstairs.

Only they found a man, Paris sighed. “Great.” Then she looked at Piper. “Stay here and breath when a contraction comes.” Piper nodded and Paris went over to the man and did the same what she did before and knocked him out. “Bastards!” Then she went over to Piper. “How are you?”

“Like i want to poop.” Piper replied to her.

Paris looked at her. “Yeah, I understand that.” Then she helped her on a table as then Paige and Phoebe rushed in. “Where were you? This baby is coming now!”


Phoebe raced into the dining room carrying a doctor’s kit. “Baby’s coming, baby’s coming!” She put the bag down and covered the dining room table with a sheet. She got a couple of pillows and placed them on the table. Paige helped Piper up onto the table and she leaned back on the pillows. “Okay, you’re doing great, sweetie. Yes, you are. Let’s see what we have here.” Phoebe pulled up Piper’s nightgown. “Oh! I see a head of dark hair.”

Piper started to cry. “You do?”

“What’d you expect? A blonde?” Paige asked sarcastically. They laughed.

Leo ran in through the front door. “What’d I miss?”

“A lot!” Piper exclaimed. Leo rushed over to them.

“Victor needs help. Here, try this.” Paige throws Leo the satchel of unicorn dust. Leo went over to Victor.

Phoebe looked at Piper. “Okay, breathe. Keep breathing, keep breathing.”

“Breathe.” Paris comment.

“It’s okay. Breathe, just breathe.” Paige added. Leo sprinkled unicorn dust onto Victor’s wound and heals him.

“Very good. Okay, relax, relax, you’re okay.” Phoebe told to Piper, who puffed.

“Dad?” Piper called.

Victor rushed over to her. “Yeah, honey?”

“I’m sorry about your demon wife.” Piper cried.

“I’m not.” Paris muttered.

“Oh, hush. Don’t think about that.” Victor told her seriously.

Leo walked over to Piper and put his arm around her. “I’m right here, baby.”

Phoebe looked at Piper. “Okay. You okay? You’re alright. Okay. You’re doing great, you’re doing great. Push, okay? Last push.”

“I can’t.” Piper breathed it out.

“You have to. A big one. Big one! Push!” Phoebe comment, looking under the blanket.

“You can do it.” Leo encouraged her.

Piper sighed heavily. “I can’t.”

“You can, you can.” Phoebe comment.

“Or course you can.” Paris added.

Paige looked at her. “Yes, you can.”

“Okay, push.” Phoebe told her as Piper pushed. “Push. Come on, push!” Piper squeezed the edge of the table and pushed. A blue light shined down on them.

Paige looked up. “Oh, I guess magic’s coming back.”

“Here we go, here we go.” Phoebe called. Piper cried. “Oh, I see a shoulder. Oh, and another shoulder. And an arm.” Phoebe helped the baby out. “Oh, and something else, something else.” She picked up scissors from the medical kit and cut the umbilical cord. She picked the baby up which was glowing in orbing lights. “Hi, baby. Hi.” She used a suction and cleared the baby’s mouth. The baby cried. Phoebe turned the baby around and showed them. “Look!” Their eyes widen.

Paige and Paris looked surprised. “Oh. Is that what I think it is?”

Phoebe smiled. “Uh, if you’re referring to Mr. Winkie between the legs, yes.”

“You mean, I got a boy?” Leo asked.

“Here you go, mama.” Phoebe handed Piper her baby.

Piper smiled. “Hi. Hi, little guy, what are you doing? Look what we did.”

Leo smiled widely. “I see.”

“It’s a miracle.”

“A little miracle.”


“He’s beautiful.”

“You are safe, you are loved, and you are wise.” Piper smiled. “How ya doing?”

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