Chapter 46 - Reunion

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Author’s note: Based of 02x01 – Broken. With twists. 02x14 – Manhattan.


Paris shimmered out in the woods as there she saw Mr. Gold and a woman there. “Oh, hello.” She greeted them. “Who is she?”

“She is Belle.” Mr. Gold replied.

Paris smiled at them. “She's your true love.”

Mr. Gold nodded. “Yes.”

“She’s beautiful.” Paris told him.

Then Mr. Gold looked at Belle. “My darling Belle… You have to tell me what happened to you.”

“I was abducted.” Belle told them.

“Regina.” Mr. Gold snarled.

Belle nodded. “She locked me away until her curse, and I’ve been in the asylum ever since.”

“For twenty-eight years?” Mr. Gold asked. Belle nodded.

“That woman has some serious issues.” Paris comment.

Mr. Gold looked at Belle. “All these years, you’ve been here. Alive.”

Belle frowned. “Is… Is that… Is that why you did this? Why you wanted magic? For revenge?”

“No.” Paris replied.

“No, no. But it might come in handy.” Mr. Gold added.

“No. No.” Belle protested.

“Oh, the Regina problem is solved.” Paris told them.

They looked at her. “What?”

“What do you mean?” Belle asked confused.

“She’s a cat.” Paris replied to them.

Mr. Gold laughed loudly as Belle looked horrified. “What?!”

“It’s not permanent, if that’s what you are thinking.” Paris replied to them. Then she looked at Mr. Gold. “Your son is here.”

“Baelfire...?” Mr. Gold comment unsure.

Paris nodded. “Yes.”


They arrived with the others. Mr. Gold saw them glaring at him. “What can I do for you?”

Emma looked at him. “What you can do, is tell us what you did.”

“I’m sorry. You’re going to have to be more specific.” Mr. Gold told her.

David glared at him. “You know damn well what we’re talking about. And did who knows what to this town.”

Mr. Gold looked at them. “Is the curse broken? And let’s see. Uh, Miss Swan. How long have you been searching for your parents? Looks like you’re reunited, I deserve a thank you.”

Emma glared. “Twist my words all you want. What was the purple haze that you brought?”

“You know… Magic.” Mr. Gold replied to her.

“Why?” Mary Margaret asked confused.

“Not telling.” Mr. Gold replied to her.

Then Paris spoke. “Your son, Mr. Gold. He’s by my sisters.”

Mr. Gold nodded as then he walked over to her sisters and the others followed him. Emma sighed. “Neal.”

“Emma.” Neal comment.

Mr. Gold looked confused. “You two know each other… You two know each other. How?”

“Oh, that’s a funny story.” Paige replied, looking at them.

Just then Henry walked up to them. “Is that Baelfire?”

“Yep.” Paris replied to him.

Neal was confused. “Who’s this?”

“My son.” Emma replied to him.

Neal looked very confused. “What?”

“Well, it’s true.” Paris replied.

“Yeah, it is.” Cole added.

“Henry, let’s go find someone.” Emma told go Henry. She grabbed him by the shoulders.

Then Neal called out. “Wait. H-how old are you?”

“Don’t answer him.” Emma told to her son.

“How old are you, kid?!” Neal called out.

“Eleven!” Henry called back. “Now, why is everyone yelling?”

Neal looked at Emma. “He’s eleven?”

Henry was confused. “Mom?”

Neal pointed at Henry as the others were in shock. “Is this my son?”

“No. My dad was a fireman. He… He died. That’s what you told me. You said…” Henry trailed off after seeing the look on his mother’s face.

Neal looked at Emma. “Is this… My son?”

“Yes…” Emma replied to him.

Neal was shocked. Henry backed away from Emma, and then he ran away. There was a brief pause, then Emma followed Henry. Neal wanted to go after them, but was stopped by Mr. Gold. “Baelfire…” Neal shrugged his hand off of his shoulder. “Please, please. All I want is a chance to be heard.”

“Get away!” Neal shouted.

Then Paris spoke up. “Just hear him out.”

Neal looked at Mr. Gold. “You got three minutes.”


Neal and Mr. Gold were having their three minutes. “Clock’s ticking.”

Mr. Gold looked at him. “I know I’ve made mistakes, but you must believe me. I want to make up for it. There’s no greater pain than regret.”

“Try abandonment.” Neal told him.

Mr. Gold sighed. “Please. Let me make it up to you.”

Neal frowned. “How are you going to do that? I grew up alone. I grew up without a father. You can make up for that?”

Mr. Gold nodded. “Yeah. Yes, I can.”

“Two minutes.” Neal told him.

Mr. Gold looked at him. “I can turn the clock back. Make you fourteen again. We can start over.”

“Fourteen? I don’t want to be fourteen, again. Are you… Are you insane?” Neal asked in disbelief.

Mr. Gold sighed. “I can’t make up for the lost time, but I can take away the memories. Bae…”

Neal shook with his head. “Take away who I am? No, thanks. One minute.”

“Bae… Please… Give me a chance. You once loved me.” Mr. Gold pleaded.

“You were once a good man.” Neal countered.

Mr. Gold looked at him. “And I can be that man again. I’ve changed.”

“Yeah, yeah, and you’re still trying to use it to make up for your mistakes. Still think that that can make it all better. It won’t. You can’t. You have no idea what I’ve lived with. You’re so worried about you. You know what I’ve dealt with? Every night, for more years than you could know, the last thing I see before sleep, is the image of you… You and me, over that pit. Your hand… Wrapped around mine. And then, you open your grip. And as I fall away, all I can see is your face. Choosing all…this…crap over me. Letting me go. Now, it’s my turn. Now I’m letting you go.” Neal explained it to him.

“I’m sorry...” Mr. Gold was interrupted.

Neal looked angry. “I don’t care. I didn’t get closure, so you don’t, either. Got to go.”

“Oh, Bae…” Mr. Gold trailed off.

“No. Time’s up.” Neal went after Emma and Henry.


The others looked at after them as then there was a light and Prue appeared in front of them. “Prue?!” The sisters exclaimed.

“Something’s happening by a idiot with Hades.” Prue replied to them.

“So not a happy call?” Paris asked.

Prue shook with her head. “No.”

“And who is this idiot?” Piper asked to her.

“We don’t know.” Prue replied, sighing.

“What are they doing?” Phoebe asked confused.

“Something with the dead.” Prue replied to them. “And we need your help to stop it.”

“Don’’t worry. We will help.” Paris told her. The others nodded.

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