Chapter 41 - Wedding Bells

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In a few days Paris and Cole would be married. In these days, they would have their bachelor parties and were getting ready for everything. Their families were coming back in town for the wedding. So now the women were getting ready for the bachelor party, the children were with their dads. Paris looked at her sisters and cousin. “I wish our mother and Prue were here.”

Phoebe and Piper looked at her. “Maybe they will.”

“I hope so.” Paris comment a little sad.

Then Melinda walked towards her. “I think they will.” She smiled at her.

Paris smiled at her. “Thanks.”

Paige clapped in her hands. “Well, enough of that. Paris is getting married to Cole. Its a happy thing.”

Piper nodded. “She is right.”

“I know.” Paris had a small smile.

Then Phoebe spoke up. “What are we gonna today?”

“To a bar maybe.” Melinda suggested.

“Good idea.” Paige comment happily.

Paris nodded. “Yeah.”


Later they were in the bar as then Phoebe had something special for Paris. “I have something for you.”

Paris blinked. “Oh.”

“Nothing bad.” Phoebe comment happily.

Suddenly a few men came in the room. “Oh.” Piper exclaimed.

“Wow.” Paige comment happily.

Just then they started dancing on the music. Paris blinked. “Its something.”

“Men.” Melinda comment.

“Its a show.” Paige comment. “Not bad, Phoebe.”

Phoebe grinned. “I know.”

Then a waiter came to them with drinks. “Here you go. On the house.”

“Thanks.” Paris told her for them all. Then the waiter walked away.

Piper looked at them. “I hope this goes without demon attacks.”

“Don't jinx it.” Phoebe exclaimed.

“I’m not.” Piper comment out loud.

“Lets hope so.” Paige added.

Paris nodded. “Yeah.”

Then Melinda looked at them. “Are you all like this?”

“Yep.” The sisters replied on the same time. Melinda let out a laugh.


Meanwhile with the men. They were sleeping on the coaches with the children.


A few days later, it was the day that Paris and Cole would be married. They were all getting ready for the big day. The men were first done as the women weren’t as fast. They had visits, their mother Patty and sister Prue appeared for them, for the wedding. Paris and Cole were married by Grams. They were surprised to see them for them. “Mom!” The sisters called. “Prue!” They hugged each other happily.

Piper looked at them. “What are you doing here?”

“We are here for the wedding.” Prue replied happily.

Paris looked at them happily. “I’m very glad that you are here.”


Not much later, everyone was ready and stood on their place. Grams cleared her throat. “We are gathered here today to unite two souls as one. Do you, Cole Turner, and Paris Blanchard, join us here of your own free will to acknowledge the eternal bond shared by both of you.”

“I do.” Cole comment.

Paris nodded. “I do.”

“You may face each other, join hands.” Grams told them as they do so. “Uh, Cole, you may recite your vows.”

Cole looked at Paris. “Paris, after everything we have been through. I promise to love and respect you from this point forward as your husband. All I am is yours.” Paris teared up. “All the proof is our son.”

“Paris...” Grams told to Paris.

Paris looked at Cole. “Cole, I feel so proud and so blessed to be your wife. Our son is proof of that.”

“Here before witnesses, Cole and Paris have sworn their vows towards each other.” Grams told them. “With this cord, I bind them to those vows.”

Then a rope was loosely tied around their hand, Cole and Paris looked at each other. “Heart to thee, body to thee, always and forever, so mote it be.”

“So mote it be.” Grams smiled at them.

“So mote it be.” All of them said.

Grams looked at hem with pride. “You may kiss the bride.”

Cole kissed Paris as the other were smiling at them.


Paris and Cole were cutting the cake, the first piece. Then Cole took a small piece and gave it to Paris as she eat it. Piper was taking the photos of them as Leo held their son. Samuel was with Patty, she was cuddling him. “To the happy couple.” Raoul smiled at them.

“To the happy couple.” All called happily.

Paris and Cole looked at them. “Thank you all.”


Not much later, Paris and Cole were dancing on the music as Leo and Piper followed suite. The others were smiling at them. Then Raoul looked at Patty. “I’m glad that we are civil with each other.”

“Believe me, it’s only for today, Raoul.” Patty comment almost hissing at him.

“Are you still mad?” Raoul asked, smirking.

Patty scoffed. “After all this time? No, I’m annoyed, but our daughter seems to be happy and she has a special bond with you.”

Raoul looked at her. “A truce?”

“Yeah, for Paris.” Patty replied.

“Alright.” Raoul comment.


Hours later, Paris and Cole were changed into others clothes and ready for the honeymoon. It was time to say goodbyes. Paris first hugged her sisters and her mother. Then her father. Then Grams, but then Prue came towards them to warn them. “Please beware where travel. There are curses out there.”

Paris nodded. “We will.”

“Yes, we will.” Cole added.

Then Paris looked at her sisters. “Look after Samuel for us very good and thank you for doing it.”

“Of course we will.” Piper comment. “You are our sister.”

“I know.” Paris smiled.

“Have fun.” Phoebe comment happily.

Paris looked at her. “I will.”

“Bring back souvenirs.” Paige called.

“I will.” Paris and Cole stepped inside of the car.

“Bye.” They all called as then they drove away.

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