𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Fahim: w..we..we were...

Taima: yahh help me to get up first.

Fahim: I dont touch any woman.

Taima: (looks in disbelief)

Doctor : I'm asking you two and this nurse also, why you three are here?

[Meanwhile Maisha and Jin comes too]

Taima: Maisha call Mirah...

Doctor : can anyone tell me what you guys are up to do? I'm going to report you five.

Taima: huh...you will be in danger after few time..and you four.. Someone help me stupids ahhh my leg...

Fahim: Tie this man and make him confess everything.

Jin and Fahim holds the doctor who is actually not strong to defend himself from two strong young guys.

Doctor : yahh.. Leave me..why you are behaving like this? Stupids.. Rascals!

Maisha: Your ankel is sprained, hold my hand.

Taima: ho..hold you?

Maisha: Afiya help her to get up and bring ice for her leg, she may not want my help.

Fahim: She is really a Drama woman, first you need help and then you don't take it.

Taima: Take this file stupid bastard! Fucking hell!

Maisha: How many times you need to get reminded that cursing is haram? Anyways Mirah will be here soon, before that you wanna confess your sins? Why did you uses the drug in medicines?

Doctor : Leave me, I dont know anything.

Jin: He will not tell like this, let police come.

Fahim: You know we become doctor  to save lives not to kill them intentionally, you will now roat in jail.

Doctor: I didn't want to do this,I was forced.

Taima: who forced you and your team?

Doctor : Sheikh Muhammad Sami, he just wanted to try it's effect on normal people, I refused but he threatened me about my family and he is so powerful, I had no other option, please don't report about me and other doctors to police, hospital also will face loss as well as you all too.

Maisha: Those who helps sinners are sinner too,you can be a sinner but we will not,we can face consequences as we did nothing wrong. Mirah is on her way, let's wait till she come, don't let him go.


Shihab: Mirah he deceived me and went somewhere. He sent me to bring coffee from his favourite cafe.

Mirah: what? Why did you... Ok leave it,I'll take care of this now,I'll come from tomorrow, that man is someone you can't control.


Sami: What happened Mr.Min?

Yoongi : I dont let anyone from this mafia world use my real name...not so many people knows it too,you seems to get well known with me which is not good.

Sami: Be straight forward.

Yoongi : You used those drugs on your hospital's patients.

Sami : How do you know? Who is the traitor?

Yoongi : Your helper... That doctor and his team might be ge caught and same goes for you too.If you get caught I know you'll bring my name.

Sami: Can you tell me any solution? I can handle the police actually.

𝑰𝑺𝑯𝑲 𝑬 𝑲𝑨𝑨𝑴𝑰𝑳 [ONGOING ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें