Chapter 34

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I completely forgot about Ephraim's presence at that point. All I could think about was what was in front of my eyes. My hands were shaking very badly and I had a hard time taking the frame out. I was terrified that I would break it and I forced myself to stop. I clenched and unclenched my fists to force myself to calm down. Once a bit calmer, I pulled out the frame, laid it down in front of me and just stared at the painting inside. I didn't believe my eyes. It couldn't be real. I finally looked up at Ephraim, needing comfort.

"No. You are making fun of me. You are pranking me.

-Why would I do such a thing?"

I quickly looked back down, feeling that my eyes were missing the gorgeous sight I had under me:

"It can't be. You can't be serious.

-Why doesn't my dear wife trust me?

-Swear on your life."

I didn't even look away anymore, terrified that it would disappear the second I did.

"I swear on my dear wife's life."

That scared me enough to force me to look up. I couldn't turn my back to Ephraim:

"Don't swear on that.

-Why not? I don't have anything more precious to me.

-Swear on your life. I don't want to die."

Ephraim rolled his eyes:

"Fine, I swear on my own life.



-Say it again!

-Darling... You really know how to irritate me sometimes."

I wasn't listening to Ephraim anymore. I had heard everything I wanted. This was mine. It was real and it was mine. It wasn't a joke. Knowing that, I suddenly let the excitement take over. The painting was so gorgeous that I wanted to scream:

"It's a Pissarro! Oh my God! How the hell did you get a Pissarro! No it's impossible. This isn't real. You are lying. How the hell did you get this? I didn't know that Pissarro existed in this world! Is he still alive here?

-Why wouldn't he exist here? What other world would he exist in?"

Ephraim's voice suddenly became very deep. I immediately pinched my lips. I really had to pay attention to what I was saying. I had no idea how I could talk myself out of this one. I could still play dumb and pretend that I wasn't thinking straight because of the gift. Fortunately, I didn't have to because Ephraim moved on and just laughed:

"I knew that you would like it. See? Your husband knows you very well. Do you finally feel how much I love you now?"

That sentence woke me up and I bit my lower lip with all my might. He couldn't win. That would hurt my ego way too badly. Worse than the kitchen knife.

"I mean... It's not that bad."

Ephraim raised his eyebrows:

"Not that bad?


-So it's not incredible?


My mouth was burning. Of course it was incredible. It was a PISSARRO!

"I'm sorry, wife. I really thought that I did well this time. It seems I don't know you well enough yet...

-It's okay.

-Don't worry, I am a fast learner. This won't happen ever again."

He got up and started walking closer to me. I didn't know what he was planning but I felt my heart stop when he crouched down in front of me and touched my pride. I snatched his hands away with a scream:

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