Chapter 28

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Ephraim grabbed me with such force that I couldn't help grimacing. He forced me to look up at him and I felt tears flowing up to my eyes. Seeing him from so close made my heart freeze. Ephraim on the other hand didn't seem to mind our proximity because he bent even closer to my face:

"There, there, my sweet wife. You should stop calling me a monster now. What would you do if I got mad?"

He grinned. I knew that I messed up but I just couldn't hold back anymore. I was crazier than Ephraim for insulting a killer. I could put up with him playing with me but I couldn't take him hurting an innocent kitten. Especially not in front of me.

I tried my best not to shake and looked Ephraim in the eyes. I had a hard time not looking away and bit my lower lip. I had no idea what he would do and that was even worse. I knew what that man was capable of and I tried my best not to let my imagination run free. I could already see my head flying off my shoulders however none of that happened. He just scoffed. He scoffed!

"Why am I so nice to you?"

Nice? Had I heard it wrong? Was this him being nice to me? He looked at me a bit more before finally letting go of my chin. I was so surprised that I just continued staring at him. Seeing me blink on repeat made Ephraim laughed:

"What is it my dear wife? Am I so handsome that you suddenly became speechless?"

He bent back towards my face and that finally woke me up. I jumped and tried my best to get away from him. I backed away so quickly that I almost crashed into the wall behind. Ephraim grabbed my nape and protected me from the impact, not looking away for a second:

"There, there, dear wife. I didn't know that my sweetheart was so clumsy."

I opened my mouth wanting to say that he was the reason why I always hurt myself but no sounds came out. Seeing me frozen, Ephraim finally sighed:

"Don't look at me like that, darling. What should I do if you act cute?"

I still had no idea what was going on when Ephraim suddenly pushed the kitten back into my hands. I looked up at Ephraim with round eyes:

"You're not going to kill him?"

Ephraim suddenly rubbed my hair which sent goosebumps down my spine:

"How could I when my wife is pleading so eagerly?"

I frowned:

"You didn't seem convinced seconds before..."

He laughed. That sound was getting under my skin. Why was he in such a good mood while I was stressing out? Slowly the fear gave place to anger and I could feel myself gaining control back over my body.

"Teasing is a sign of love."

I almost pucked:


Did love have another meaning in this world?

"What's with the face, love?

-Don't call me love. If there is one thing missing between us, it is love. Don't take me wrong, I don't want any love to be there.

-Easy, Love. Should I take back my gift?"

I clutched the kitten:

"No! You gave him to me, he's mine now!"

Ephraim laughed, visibly in a good mood. I really wanted to tear his mouth off.

"My wife really is wise.

-I am not your wife! How many times do I have to say it?

-Then would you prefer me to call you Love?

-None of them.

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