Chapter 27

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Ayda quickly shook her head:

"I have to go."

She didn't give Nifsara time to answer and rushed away. She wanted to scream. She had no idea what she could have done wrong. She did everything exactly as in the book. Nifsara was at fault. She was living in her own world. Why couldn't she see the truth? Did she have some kind of inferiority complex? Did she think that Ayda couldn't possibly be in love with her? What could she possibly do to change that? She wasn't a psychologist. And even if she was, she didn't have time to heal Nifsara's self esteem.

Ayda growled. She really thought that she would succeed this time. She didn't think that making someone understand her feelings would be that hard but she couldn't lose hope yet. She quickly shook her head and focused on all the romance novels she had yet to read. It would have been too boring if she succeeded immediately. She would probably find something useful in at least one of them. She still had time. She had to calm down.

Just as she was walking back to her room, Ayda saw the maids that helped her find the romance books. The women's eyes lit up when they saw Ayda:

"Lady Maganti! Are you having a good day?"

Ayda sighed:

"Not really..."

The maids looked immediately worried:

"Lady Maganti? Is there something we could help you with today?

-Actually. You could."

They immediately straightened up, curious:

"Could you tell me where I went wrong? I did everything exactly as in the book but Nifsara still doesn't believe that I love her."

The maids frowned, not quite understanding what Ayda meant:

"Is that the reason why Lady Maganti has spent her days at the training grounds lately?

-Yes! I stalked Nifsara just like the male lead."

The maids exchanged a frown:

"Lady Maganti, could you please explain from the beginning?

But the more Ayda was explaining, the deeper their frowns got:

"Lady Maganti, do you mean that you went to the training grounds and glared at the Commander in the hope that she would understand your love for her?

-Yes! But she didn't understand at all. She just said that I could come up to her any time. She thinks that I'm just bored and missing home.

-Lady Maganti... Why would you do such a thing?"

It as Ayda's turn being confused:

"Why not? That's what the male lead was doing in the book.

-Which book?

-The one you gave me. The one where the male lead is following the main character everywhere and never saying a word. The one with the creepy story line. I don't know why someone would find a stalker attractive but who knows what this weird society is into these days."

The maids looked more shocked than ever. Seeing their faces, Ayda stopped:

"What is it?

-Lady Maganti... Have you read the first chapter of the book?

-No... Why?

-The male lead isn't following the main character in secret. He is her knight and following her is his job. He has to make sure that she's safe because people are threatening her life."

Ayda froze:


-He doesn't talk a lot because he is simply doing his job. All he has to do is follow the Princess around and make sure that she isn't hurt. He doesn't even have the right to approach her or talk to her. This is what makes their romance impossible."

One of the maids added with a dreamy gaze:

"And so much more romantic..."

Everyone looked at her and she quickly straightened up. It was the youngest maid that gave the book to Ayda.


Ayda ignored her. She felt her skin crawl thinking back to the past few days. What had she done?


-I am sorry Lady Maganti but it's the truth...


Ayda thought she would scream. Not only did she almost die of boredom for nothing, she humiliated herself in front of the annoying hero. How could she possibly get back from that?

Ayda hit her forehead loudly:

"I am so stupid..."

The maids quickly straightened up:

"No! You aren't!

-Lady Maganti is simply very passionate. That's very admirable.

-Exactly! All you wanted was to show the Commander your true feelings. Anyone would find that endearing."

Ayda wasn't convinced:

"Love really is too complicated..."

Should she just hit Nifsara until she understood her feelings? Maybe she could punch some sense into her.

"I knew that love wasn't made for me."

Seeing Ayda discouraged, the maids immediately got fired up:

"Romance could be for anyone!

-Don't worry, Lady Maganti. We will help you!"

Ayda looked up:


She didn't understand why those strangers would be so excited about the idea of helping her. It was weird.

"Yes! You will have the best confession ever!

-The Commander will cry in front of your true feelings!"

Ayda couldn't help laughing while imagining the scene. She didn't think for a second that Nifsara would cry and that was for the better.She wasn't even sure that she had such human feelings but seeing her vulnerable would be... Weird. She wouldn't know what to do with that. She would probably panic and knock her out.

Ayda shook her head:

"It's okay. I will just read more of the books you gave me."

Ayda didn't have time to walk away that the maids exclaimed:

"We insist. The Commander and you deserve your happy ending."

Ayda frowned:

"But why? I can't give you anything in return."

It was the maid's turn being taken aback:

"We aren't asking for anything in return, Lady Maganti."

It was Ayda's turn to be confused again. That day really was one of the most confusing days she had.

"Why would you want to help me for free? You already did so once.

-We want the Lady to be happy."

Ayda had no idea what they were talking about. It didn't make any sense.

"You want to help me confess to Nifsara so she and I will be happy in the future?


-But... What does that bring you?

-We were touched by your feelings. We want you to be happy.


Ayda blinked a few times. What was going on? She never heard those words before. Why were they coming from complete strangers?

"Yes. We just want your love to be real."

Even the maids understood that Ayda was supposed to be in love with Nifsara in this story. Why couldn't the hero admit it too?

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