Chapter 13

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"Of course I know who Grendel is!"

Ephraim raised an eyebrow:

"Do you?


-Then who is he?

-Why would I tell you? You are pissing me off asking stupid questions like that!"

I saw a knight taking a step towards us but Ephraim motioned him to stay put.

"Am I? That was far from being my intention. I was just trying to get to know my dear wife better.

-Well, don't. Soon I won't be your wife anymore.

-Why wouldn't you be?

-Because we will get a divorce."

I heard gasps.

"Are we? I don't remember agreeing to such a request.

-Well you will.

-I can't just give up on our marriage without giving up a fight, can I? What will people say about me? The Duke who couldn't even make his wife happy.


-I thought that maybe you wanted to divorce me that badly because I didn't pay enough attention to your past. This is the only reason I would ask you so many questions about your life.

-It's way too early in the morning to be talking about the past anyway.

-I see. Let's get back to breakfast shall we? We can always talk about it after you finish eating."

I sat back down and started munching on a cake angrily. I ignored Ephraim's laugh and focused on the delicious food. I didn't think that Ephraim would let me off the hook and I tried my best to remember who Greven could be. Or was it Grentel? Grevnen. I couldn't remember!

Just as I was thinking that I was done for, I noticed Eulisses behind Ephraim making weird movements. I wondered if he was having a stroke but I soon noticed that he was trying to get my attention. He started pointing at me. Then pointing at a man's portrait on the wall. Seeing him do that just made me frown. He continued pointing before standing straight, then jumping on the side and stood again before jumping forward. He looked at me hopeful but I just frowned. What?

"Is there something wrong, Sliske? asked Ephraim.

-No. Everything is fine."

Ephraim noticed me looking behind him but just as he was turning around I screamed the first word that came to my mind:


Everyone frowned. Even Eulisses forgot to continue whatever he was doing for a second. I laughed awkwardly:

"Bees... They are crazy, am I right? How can they make honey? It tastes amazing."

Eulisses hid further behind Ephraim and did the same movements again. I had no idea how I got it but I suddenly exclaimed:

"My cousin!"

Eulisses started raising his thumbs in the air happily. Ephraim frowned before turning around and Eulisses immediately stopped, looking out the window innocently. Ephraim snarled before turning back towards me:

"What could possibly be the common point between bees and your cousin?"

I cleared my throat:

"He is my cousin. Forget about bees I was just saying that the man you asked about is my cousin.

-I thought that you didn't want to talk about it right now.

-I changed my mind. I don't like sitting in silence.

-I understand. I promise never to let you sit in silence anymore."

I felt that I had made a huge mistake...

"How well do you remember your cousin?"

I should have stayed silent. Or went on about bees.

"I remember him vaguely. I have an amazing memory when it comes to people I like.

-People you like? I thought that you two used to fight a lot."

I frowned. I knew that he was playing with me. It was really obvious. It seemed he didn't believe that I was the real Sliske yet.

"And how would you know that?

-Everyone knows. You pulled out half of his hair and his father had to separate you two. It never grew back perfectly and people are still making fun of him for that."

How strong was Sliske as a child? I never heard about someone pulling out hair and I did feel bad for his cousin.

"I feel ashamed about the past. I didn't want you to know about it.

-Sliske... You are so sweet."

Hearing Ephraim say something like that almost made me puke.

"You don't have to worry about such things. I would always love you."

Even the servants started coughing, not getting what was going on. I looked at Eulisses, begging him to help me but there was no escape.

"I would love to hear more about your past. Please feel free to tell me about anything."

He bent closer towards me and the dark shade his eyes turned made me shutter:

"About anything."

Seeing me speechless made Ephraim straighten up:

"Wait... I am so sorry. It seems I made a mistake. I confused Greven with your other cousin, Talia. If I remember correctly, the last time you saw Greven was only five years ago. When he left for the academy."

I froze.

"You weren't that young five years ago."

I rolled my eyes:

"Wow, you are so good at math. You should be a teacher."

Ephraim chuckled:

"Should I? I am flattered that my dear wife thinks so highly of me."

I couldn't even hide my scowl.

"But I wonder how trustworthy my dear wife's words are seeing how easily he forgets. Did you forget that you saw your cousin five years ago?"

I frowned:

"Well, you said it yourself. We weren't that close. Why would I keep track of the last time I saw him?

-Fair enough. But how could you confuse 5 and 15 years?"

I shrugged:

"I guess he didn't make a big impression on me."

Ephraim laughed.

"Well answered. My dear wife is smarter than I thought."

I looked at the door:

"Don't you have work?"

Ephraim looked at the time:

"It seems you are right. I didn't see time fly by while I was with you.

-At least one of us didn't...

-I would love to stay with you longer but unfortunately I have to go. I am reassured knowing that I will soon be reunited with you for our lunch."

I almost choked:


-Of course. I have to make sure that my wife eats correctly. You look way too skinny.

-I just have a very good metabolism.

-I still need to make sure.

-You don't have to. You must be very busy.

-How could you say that? What a terrible husband would I be if I didn't pay attention to my wife?"

I thought I would cry.

"Should I come back to your room?

-No! I... I will see you at the dining room."

Ephraim smiled very brightly:

"Then see you at noon."

BL I don't want to reincarnate!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora