Chapter 11

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Ayda tilted her head, her chin in her hand:

"So, Nifsara, you don't mind if I call you that do you?"

Ayda's mother immediately kicked her under the table. Ayda didn't even feel it at that point and just kicked back. Her mother groaned and looked up at Ayda with a frown. Her mask fell off for a second and she almost slapped her daughter then and there. She wouldn't have had time to do so because Ayda was focused on her new plan. She didn't care about her mother at all and continued staring at Nifsara.

It wasn't polite to call people by their first name. Especially knowing that Lady Nifsara was visibly poorer than Ayda. She had to pay back her parents debts and Ayda was sure that she must have been sensitive about her status. Ayda hoped that this would make her angry but against all odds, Nifsara only smiled:

"No problem. I don't mind at all."

Ayda blinked a few times. Was she just pretending to be fine or was she stupid? Did she maybe not know about etiquette?

"Okay, Nifsara... Why did you want to become a knight?"

Nifsara looked taken aback by such interest. She cleared her throat before answering:

"I always dreamed about helping my country."

Boring. Of course a hero would say something of the sort.

"But when did you learn how to yield the sword?"

Ayda heard her mother mutter for her to stop. She knew where she was getting. Only rich people had access to sparring classes or swords. Ayda's question reminded Nifsara of her background. However once again, Nifsara didn't budge:

"I managed to learn thanks to my neighbor's charity."

Ayda waited for more but Nifsara stopped talking. Why was she getting more boring by the second?

"Wasn't it hard getting into the Knight Academy?

-It was indeed very hard.

-Didn't you think about doing something more..."

Ayda looked Nifsara up and down.

"Suitable for you?

-There were difficult days but at the end of the day, I am glad I didn't give up.

-I heard that they have to accept at least one person per different birth rank to respect the quota.

-I haven't heard about that yet. Thank you for telling me."

Ayda thought she would scream. She was running out of stupid things to say. Think. What would a rich and stupid sheltered girl ask?

"Did you decide to be a knight because of all the attractive men there?"

Ayda thought she would puke just saying that but Nifsara only snarled. She snarled! How dared she snarl at Ayda? Did she think that Ayda was just a stupid girl? Was she looking down at her? Was that why she wasn't getting angry?

"I have never thought about it."

Ayda's mother tried lightening the mood:

"Of course you wouldn't. But my daughter is right. Now that you are getting older, you should think about getting married."

Ayda looked at her mother with utter disgust. She had never been more ashamed of her mother than in that moment and she had been hitting her for years! Lady Brack didn't have to get married if she didn't want to! But of course Ayda couldn't defend the person she wanted to be hated by.


She had to do her best not to puke as she agreed with that monster.

"Mother is right... Have you thought about marrying Lord Dumfrey?"

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