Chapter 6

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I was very bad at comforting people. Like very bad. Therefore all I could think about was giving Arora sweets. Maybe the sweets were more for me than for her but the important part was that we both felt better. And that was all that mattered.

I didn't know how much cake I ate at that moment but both of us just sighed, our stomachs inches from exploding. And having sighed at the same time, we finally laughed. I started rubbing my belly like a pregnant person. I almost did look like one. My sweet baby looked around five months old. My mom from my past life would have loved me to have such a belly. Too bad for her. The only baby belly I would ever get was from cake!

I suddenly realized that Arora was staring at me with big curious eyes. I followed her gaze and looked down at my round stomach before suddenly jumping up, my cheeks red. The child didn't look scared or weirded out however and she just laughed. At that moment the vibe became way lighter and it felt as if we could put all the crying behind us. Arora still seemed rather shy around me but she didn't seem uncomfortable and that was the most important. Having not interacted with Sliske ever, she had no idea how to behave and that was both sad and cute. How sad was it that one apology was enough to make this kid happy? Somewhere this was better for me. If she didn't know Sliske at all, I didn't have to worry about being found out. I could just be my usual self without fearing her finding out the truth.

Being the adult, I felt like I had to lead the conversation. But I had no idea how to do small talk. Especially with children. Children were way easier to talk to than adults but they were also way scarier in their own way. They had no filter and I had no idea what children in this world liked. What could I talk about? Books? Trains? Horses? Maybe she liked sparring... Or magic? I had no idea!

"So... Hum... Do you like horses?"

Arora raised her eyebrows, obviously surprised by the sudden question. However she soon recovered her smile and nodded:

"I do!


Well done me! I was a pro at this! I should do small talk more often.


-What type of horses?"

Having realized how excited she got, Arora cleared her throat before sitting back straight:

"I really like brown ponies. What about you... Dad?"

Okay that was weird. I never thought that someone would ever call me dad.

"I think big black horses are very imposing."

She nodded slowly:

"They are rather imposing indeed."

Seeing me frown made Arora panic:

"Have I made a mistake? I am so sorry, I...

-No, no, no! I was just surprised. I didn't know that children could be this polite. You don't have to be so on edge around me. You could just talk however you want. We could even swear if you want! Look at me, I love saying f-


I had completely forgotten about Eulisses at that point and jumped hearing his voice:

"What? It's just us."

Eulisses quickly shook his head:

"It isn't proper for a young lady to swear in front of anyone."

I looked Arora up and down:

"She's not a young Lady. She's a kid.

-Either way, you shouldn't teach your daughter such things.

-I am not teaching her anything. I just want her to feel comfortable around me and know that she could tell me anything she wants."

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