Chapter 33

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I walked to the dining hall, already in a bad mood. Just thinking about seeing Ephraim was angering me and I hated that he was destroying the amazing moment that was lunch. I walked in and rushed to my chair as fast as possible. I didn't look at Ephraim once and only grumbled:


-I missed you too, dear wife. I was counting the minutes before I could see your gorgeous face again.

-Yeah sure.

-Maybe we should start sleeping in the same room. That would enable me to see you as much as I want.

-No! Nope. Not happening. Never."

Ephraim tilted his head:

"If you don't want to sleep with me, you should look me in the eyes when we are spending time together."

I sighed before finally looking up.

"There. Happy?"

Ephraim started beaming:

"Yes. Seeing my wife's eyes always makes me happy.

-Aaaaand I'm not hungry anymore."

Ephraim ignored my words and looked down at my clothes:

"I am surprised that you aren't wearing your new pajamas.

-I told you that I don't only wear pajamas. See? I got dressed.

-Did I perhaps hurt your feelings my dear wife? That was far from my intention. I think that you are adorable in whatever you wear.

-How could you hurt me when you are speaking nonsense?

-Nonsense? I didn't know that my wife was so stubborn."

Ephraim turned to his secretary:

"Is my wife wearing pajamas a lot?"

The secretary immediately nodded and Ephraim turned back towards me with a smile:

"See? I am not the only one saying it.

-That doesn't count. He is your secretary. Of course he won't go against your words."

Ephraim turned towards all the other people present: the maids, the knights, everyone:

"Does anyone believe that my wife isn't wearing pajamas a lot"

Of course, no one spoke a single word.

"That doesn't count either! They are all scared of you!

-I think my dear wife is just being sensitive.

-Say that one more time and I'll bite you."

Ephraim looked me straight in the eyes with a smile. He said it very slowly and accentuating every single syllable:


He continued staring at me, waiting for something and that made me want to pluck his eyes out.

"Stop looking at me.

-Won't you bite me?

-I will murder you, that's what I'll do."

The knights behind Ephraim started fidgeting but their Master only laughed. He laughed so hard that it hurt my ego:

"Stop laughing already.

-Sorry, Darling. You are just too funny."

Hearing him laugh some more, I grabbed my knife before throwing it at Ephraim. I didn't think, I just threw. I just wanted him to stop laughing for two seconds. Of course I was terrible at aiming and the knife plunged into the chair beside Ephraim. He finally stopped laughing at least and looked at the knife, one eyebrow raised. The knights didn't seem to like my little joke because they all reached for their swords. The only one who didn't move was the knight who I had almost killed when I threw Ephraim's package out the window. I hadn't noticed him before but he just stood there, staring at me with his mouth wide open.

Ephraim on the other hand brushed his tears away, still shaking with laughter:

"It's okay, wife. Relationships are all about balance. I'll be the strong one and you could be the cute one."

I couldn't hide my pout which made Ephraim smile:

"Don't make that face, wife. Once your leg gets better, I could always teach you how to yield a sword."

He looked at the chair next to him:

"Or the knife.

-So funny. Are you going to make fun of me for the whole day?

-I am sorry, wife. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I sincerely just thought that you were being adorable and couldn't help laughing."

I had no ego left at that point. All I wanted was to make him stop laughing and there he was finding me cute for literally throwing a knife at him.

"You are crazy.

-Crazy in love.

-Crazy all together."

Ephraim shrugged.

"Can we eat now or do you plan on being annoying for a bit more?

-We can't eat yet but don't worry, I don't plan on being annoying. On the contrary, you will fall in love with me all over again after I show you what I brought.

-I can't fall in love all over if I was never in love to begin with."

Just as I was saying that, the maids brought in a huge package that they put next to Ephraim. Seeing his smile made me exclaim:

"I don't want other pajamas!

-Who do you take me for, Darling? Wouldn't I be uninspired if I were to give you the same gift twice?"

I looked down at the package as if it was something dangerous:

"Then what is it?"

Ephraim suddenly got very excited looking at the gift:

"I couldn't work in peace because I kept thinking about your happy face when you would see it.

-I'm scared.

-Don't say that, darling. What could possibly scare you?


-How could I ever do anything that could hurt my gorgeous wife?

-You are capable of anything.

-I already told you that I am too nice to you.

-Remains to be proven.

-Aren't I proving it to you every passing day? I am even showering you with gifts.

-Speaking of gifts, you should stop doing that.

-I think you will change your mind as soon as you see this one.

-Why? Is it an amnesia potion? Or a mind control one?

-Come on, open it. You will love it.

-I doubt that."

Knowing that he wouldn't give up, I stood up and dragged my feet to the package. Ephraim didn't look away from me for a second. I wasn't even sure that he was blinking at that point and I didn't like feeling his gaze on me.

"Stop staring.

-Then how will I possibly see my wife's happy face?

-You will see my exhausted face.

-I love all of your faces."

I sighed and finally opened the gift. I had no idea what it would be. I couldn't understand Ephraim and had no idea how his mind worked. At that point, there could have been anything in that package. Maybe a zebra, or a tiny carriage, or even the answer to the universe. Who knew? But what I saw was way better than any of that. At first I didn't recognize what it was. I continued opening the gift silently and when it finally hit, I thought I would faint.


I closed the package back and opened it again.

"Wait. Wait!"

My head jerked up:

"You didn't!"

Ephraim covered his huge smile:

"I told you that you would like it."

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