When he needs to feel you by his side

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You were getting a little worried with these damn saint missions and how they'd affect your boyfriend. Pacing back and forth, your worry only increased on whether Shiryu would make it out alive today. Suddenly, the door opened, and there he stood, your dragon in green."Shiryu?" He didn't say a word, nor did he have to. You could see it written all over his face. You opened your arms, a welcome sign for Shiryu to hold you like he wanted to. And he did. Shiryu walked to you, almost running because of his powers. Within a second, Shiryu had you in his arms, and he walked over to the couch, supporting you with both arms upon laying down. "Shiryu?" "What happened out there?" Nothing. Your boyfriend was silent, drinking in your cosmo. Whatever happened to Shiryu and the saints out there definitely didn't sound good if he was acting so quiet like this. But you knew all Shiryu needed was you, and he'd be okay with some cuddles.
You sat in the common room, your pulse racing. Shun hadn't come back yet, and you were getting worried about him. Your food for you and him to consume had long gotten cold, and the clock ticked faster past 6, clueing you in that it was getting later into the night. Suddenly, the door opened, and there stood your adorable cinnamon roll, wet and ragged. "S-Shun?" You stood up, trembling as he walked over to you and pulled you into his arms, barely without any strength left to give. You silently cried into his shoulder, having missed Shun's gentle touch. Then he ran a hand through your hair, surprising you. Shun's hands were soft, and his tender strokes around your scalp were calming, so you leaned in, your sobs ceasing. Somehow, you knew that Shun would be okay if he felt you by his side, and that was all it was. Shun just needed your cosmo to get him through the night, and he'd be alright.

You stood up and walked around, hugging your arms. Hyoga was not back from his mission yet, and you were getting worried about him. What if he was in danger? You couldn't forgive yourself if Hyoga got killed while you were stuck here waiting. Suddenly, without warning, the door opened, and Hyoga stepped inside. His face said it all, and you opened your arms. Hyoga stepped closer and walked to you, practically falling into your arms. Hyoga clutched your body to his chest as if he were afraid you would shatter into a million pieces. You held onto Hyoga's back even tighter, feeling him crying into your shoulder. You being here by his side was all Hyoga needed to feel warm and content, like all was right with the world. It felt a single minute had passed before you pulled back and kissed Hyoga's cheek gently. He reciprocated the gesture, tucking your hair behind your ear and kissing your forehead one last time. The stars shone bright out the window, illuminating your pale bodies in the moonlight, and all was comfortable with your saint boyfriend. It was a warm night, but the chilly air emanating off your boyfriend helped calm you down and cool you off.

You walk around the driveway, worried about Seiya. He hadn't come home yet, and it scared you to think that something may have happened to him. "Y/N?" You turned around, your eyes watering. Seiya rushed up to you, his Saint armor disappearing into thin air. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and buried his face in your shoulder, drinking in your cosmo. You rested your chin on Seiya's shoulder, your tears soaking through his red shirt. Your warm cosmo must have overwhelmed Seiya, as his eyes welled up, and he started quietly crying. Seiya closed his eyes and buried his face in your neck, sniffling softly. You ran your hand through Seiya's ruffled brown hair, circling your fingers through his scalp. You held each other before you pulled back from Seiya's hold. Seeing your beloved's eyes become wetter and wetter, you reached your hands out and caressed Seiya's face, wiping his tears away. He seemed to like this gesture as he grabbed your hand and held onto it tightly. "I was so scared I would die today, Y/N." Seiya sobbed, taking your hand in his and holding it to his heart. "I was scared I wouldn't come back to you alive because of some dangerous saints nearly knocking the wind out of me."

"I'll always be here, Seiya. No matter what happens to me, I'll still be here." You affirmed, grabbing Seiya in another hug and holding him as he cried in your arms. Saint or not, you always had Seiya's back in this fight or the next. As long as Seiya had your heart, you'd give up your life to save his no matter what happens. I love you so much, Seiya. I always will....

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