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The Teen Titans Tower was buzzing with festive energy. Twinkling lights adorned the walls, garlands hung from the ceiling, and holiday music played softly in the background. The Titans were all dressed in their festive best—Robin in a red and green sweater, Starfire in a shimmering white dress, and Cyborg sporting a Santa hat and a light-up vest. Even Beast Boy had donned a red and white striped shirt as he busily decorated the Christmas tree.

Raven, however, stood out in her usual dark attire. As she levitated a few feet off the ground, she placed a star on top of the tree, her expression neutral.

Beast Boy glanced over at her, noticing the contrast. "Hey, Rae," he called, approaching her. "How come you're not wearing anything Christmassy? No red, white, green, or blue?"

Raven lowered herself to the ground and shrugged. "I've never celebrated this holiday before. My father always thought it was a waste of time, so I never really got into it."

Beast Boy's face fell. "You've never celebrated Christmas? Never got any presents?"

Raven shook her head. "Nope. This is all new to me."

Beast Boy's heart ached for his girlfriend. He couldn't imagine a Christmas without the joy of giving and receiving gifts, the warmth of the holiday spirit, or the fun of festive activities. Determined to make this Christmas special for Raven, he hatched a plan.

The next morning, Raven awoke to find a note on her bedside table. It was from Beast Boy, asking her to meet him in the common room. Curiosity piqued, she made her way there.

When she arrived, Beast Boy was waiting with a wide grin. "Morning, Rae! Ready for a day of holiday fun?"

Raven raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Sure, why not?"

First, Beast Boy led her to the kitchen, where he had set up ingredients for baking Christmas cookies. They spent the morning mixing dough, cutting out shapes, and decorating the cookies with colourful icing and sprinkles. Raven found herself enjoying the activity more than she expected, laughing at Beast Boy's attempts to create animal-shaped cookies that ended up looking more like blobs.

Next, they moved to the living room, where Beast Boy had prepared supplies for making holiday decorations. They crafted paper snowflakes, strung popcorn garlands, and even made a few ornaments for the tree. Raven's usually reserved demeanour softened as she got into the spirit of the activities, and Beast Boy couldn't help but smile at the sight of her having fun.

In the afternoon, Beast Boy took Raven outside, where they built a snowman together. He playfully tossed snowballs at her, and to his delight, she retaliated with a rare, genuine laugh. They finished their creation by giving the snowman a carrot nose, coal eyes, and a scarf.

As the sun began to set, Beast Boy led Raven back inside, where the other Titans had prepared a cozy Christmas movie marathon. They watched classic holiday films, snuggled under warm blankets with hot cocoa in hand. Raven found herself wrapped in Beast Boy's arms, feeling more at home and loved than she ever had before.

Finally, as the night drew to a close, Beast Boy took Raven to the rooftop of Titans Tower. The city below was a sea of twinkling lights, and the stars above sparkled brightly. He handed her a small, beautifully wrapped box.

"Merry Christmas, Raven," he said softly.

Raven's eyes widened as she carefully unwrapped the present. Inside was a delicate silver necklace with a small amethyst pendant that matched her eyes perfectly. She looked up at Beast Boy, her eyes glistening with tears.

"I... I don't know what to say," she whispered.

Beast Boy smiled, brushing a tear from her cheek. "You don't have to say anything, Rae. I just wanted to make sure your first Christmas was special."

Raven threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "It is. It's the best Christmas ever. Thank you, Gar."

She pulled back slightly, looking into his eyes, and kissed him deeply. It was a kiss filled with gratitude, love, and the promise of many more happy moments to come.

As they stood on the rooftop, wrapped in each other's arms, Raven felt a warmth in her heart that she had never experienced before. This Christmas, she had not only received her first present but also the gift of love and belonging.

And that was the best gift of all.

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