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"ok titans, since you all have been working so hard..how about we go out to celebrate? any suggestions" robin asked the team. Cyborg and beastboy beamed with with excitement and screamed "ICE SKATING!!"
Starfire seamed to like the idea and joined them "oh joy..i do enjoy the moment of skating of the ice". robin saw that raven was the only one who didn't say a word "what about you raven?"
raven looked up at him from her book and said "no" and disappeared from the living room. 
"ok.......well either we could all go for ice skating and just bring raven along...or change to another place"
beastboy really wanted to go ice skating so he volunteered to help convince raven to come "no no will go ice skating..everyone get ready and wait in the car..give me a few minutes and ill have raven walking through that door" robin looked at him..if he was really up for it but beastboy just smiled back showing everything would be fine.

once robin made everyone to go get ready for today , beastboy ran towards raven's room and knocked on her door.
the door opened and in front of it was standing pale skinned angel, beastboy pushed raven into the room ,closed the door and smashed his lips against hers.
raven was startled by this...but it didn't mean she didn't like it..she was enjoying it. beastboy pulled back with his hands still around her waist and his forehead resting on hers. They have been secretly dating for the past 2 months but have kept it a secret..none of the other titans knew about it.
"why don't you wanna go for ice skating..it'll be fun"beastboy aid whispering softly into her ears. raven wrapped her arms around him taking in his scent and just smiled "i just don't want to go" beastboy pulled back from the hug and looked at her.

"because its boring"
"rae you've never tried ice skating..how would you know if it fu-"
beastboy stopped mid sentence suddenly realizing.

"rae....do you not know how to ice skate?" raven looked away not accepting or saying no.
beasstboy walked closer to her and tucked in a loose strand of hair behind her ear before saying "raven you know its fine if you don't know how to..you don't have to be embarrased or something..even im not that great in ice skating i just do it cause its fun"
"cmon rave..plus if you fall your amazing green boyfriend will catch you"he said winking at her. raven laughed at this and just rolled her eyes.

"please rae....just for me atleast can you come" he said turning into a cat and staring at her..he knew raven couldn't resist his cat face.
"fineee..i'll come...its only cause i love you..."She sighed and said , beastboy changed back to his human form and kissed her hard "thank you thank you thank you...you have no idea how much i love you" he kissed her again and pulled her out the door.
the titans were already were waiting in the T-car. cyborg looked throught the window and saw beastboy and raven comin out"so...i see you finally got her out grass stain ..im impress-" something caught cyborgs eyes...he saw raven abd beastboy walkin towards them...hand in hand.....he tried to supress a grin before staring the car 'oooh this is gonna be one hell of a blackmail ' he thought in his mind while both of them got into the car.

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