Chapter 31

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The bar was as busy as usual — Tabitha, preoccupied with the several patrons demanding her attention, didn't notice Raine and Nikolay walk in.

Which was a good thing, because both of them were soaking wet, and left a small water trail behind them as they walked upstairs to their room. A later problem, provided that a staggering drunk didn't slip over the water and break their neck.

"You shower first," Nikolay said once they closed the door behind them. "I have... other things to attend to."

Raine nodded, eager to get out of his soaked clothes.

Once they were notably drier and more presentable, Raine and Nikolay walked back down to greet Tabitha.

"We're back," Raine said, trying not to startle Tabitha.

His efforts were probably in vain, though, because Tabitha didn't even bat an eye at his voice coming from behind her.

"I noticed," she replied with a cheeky grin. "It's pretty hard to miss a pair of drenched strays walk in, especially when they draw half of the tavern's attention."

"Sorry..." Raine sheepishly fidgeted with his sleeve. "We won't be diving into any bodies of water again anytime soon, if that's comforting to hear."

Tabitha heartily laughed at his mollifying tone. "I'm not actually mad at you two. It took a couple of swipes with the mop, and the water was all gone. I'd be a pretty terrible hostess if I berated my exhausted-looking tenants. Come, have a rest in the quieter corner here. I'll bring over some drinks."

They gladly accepted Tabitha's instructions and allowed themselves to be ushered into a booth in the corner of the tavern.

"Thanks for everything," Raine sighed as he let his aching legs rest. "You didn't have to."

"I gotta tuck in the tavern's troublemakers before they cause any more trouble," Tabitha joked. "Otherwise I'll be giving myself twice the workload."

"We'll be getting out of your hair pretty soon, don't worry. Since we've already done what we need to, it won't be long before we have to leave Aurelinne Village."

"You're leaving so soon?" Tabitha chucked lightheartedly. "I was just getting used to having two extra pairs of hands to take care of everything for me."

"Ah, you're giving us a little too much credit. You handle everything just fine without us, really," Raine modestly replied. "I just wish that we had something to give you in return for all your help."

"It's not a problem at all, hon. You've done more than your share by making my day. Rarely gets this exciting around this tiny town; most of the snobby big shots visiting Aurelinne Village don't tend to mix with us locals. Where are you two headed next?"

Raine deliberated for a moment, trying to recall the marks that Nikolay drew on their map. "I think... we'll be heading west. Our next destination is in the middle of a large forest, south of Marque."

At least this time, the Temple of Light didn't have nearly as dangerous of a path to reach it, compared to diving a hundred metres below the sea.

"Oh, you're heading west? That means you'll pass the Great Kosiran Bridge. It's a lovely sightseeing area — though I'm sure you two aren't travelling for the sights — where you can see both Marque and Veritas on opposite sides. I wouldn't bet on your chances of being able to stay for long, since it also serves as the main pathway for visitors travelling between the two main capitals."

"It'll be nice to have a break from endless grassy plains. Have you been before?"

"Only a handful of times. I occasionally have to talk with the merchants at Marque about the tavern's alcohol shipments. It's a hassle to make the trip, though; I wish Kosira would open up more major ports outside of Marque. Of course, Veritas' government would rather cut off a limb than let so many outsiders into their city," Tabitha chuckled at the thought. "They can't even stand the presence of their own non-sorcerer kin."

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