Chapter 18

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"You can't enter the State Library," the librarian said flatly.

Raine blinked in disbelief. "I'm sorry?"

"You don't have a membership pass."

While they obviously didn't have the aforementioned pass, it was strange that the librarian had assumed so.

"Do you know where I can get one?" Raine inquired, eyebrows furrowed.

"You need magic to do that," the librarian snidely replied. "The machine doesn't work for... people like you."


Their lack of magic was becoming an increasingly annoying problem in Kosira.

"Although, it's not as if you could understand any of it," her lips twisted into a cruel smirk. "Most of the books are academic and revolve around magic research. You'd be better off asking the local storyteller for some cheap entertainment."

What a fucking bitch, Nikolay griped in their mind. Just because she's a librarian here, it hardly justifies being this goddamn stuck up.

In contrast, Raine attempted a weak laugh to deflect the librarian's scathing remark.

"Sorry," Raine bowed his head. "I must've missed a sign somewhere about the membership passes. Sorry for wasting your time."

They backed away from the counter and retreated into the corner. The lobby was far from crowded, so it was extremely obvious that they were still lurking around awkwardly.

I think we should just burst in regardless.

Rude comments aside, we wouldn't have been able to get in without a pass anyway.

It was at that moment when another traveller walked up to the librarian. From their differently styled clothing, to the several bags attached to their body, Raine assumed with decent confidence that they were also travelling from somewhere else.

They could overhear some of the conversation between the traveller and the librarian.

"Oh, I don't have a pass. Is that alright? I just need to access the map. I won't be long."

"Yes, of course!" the librarian's voice was suddenly sickly sweet, all traces of snobbiness gone. "Go right in. The maps are on your right, up the stairs. I hope you find what you need!"

Nikorai's eye twitched slightly at the sudden switch in the librarian's tone. If she knew that they were watching her, the librarian obviously didn't care about their opinion.

"Thank you, madam," the traveller bowed their head. "Apologies for not having a membership pass."

"No problem!" the librarian waved cheerfully as they walked further into the library.

Meanwhile, Nikolay was positively fuming.

Step away from the vessel for a second.

This sounds like you have a really, really bad idea.

Raine's trust for Nikolay eventually won over his doubts, and he retreated momentarily.

Once in control of the vessel, Nikolay stalked his way over to the entrance again.

A firm hand on their shoulder stopped them.

"Sir, you can't enter. I just told you, you don't have a-"

Nikolay whipped his head around, eyes flashing in anger. "Did the other traveller have a pass? You still let them into the library. Fuck off."

The affronted librarian stumbled backwards. "You have no right to be acting so disrespectfully against a staff member."

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