Chapter 28

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A long night of anxious tossing and turning later, Raine eventually woke up at about midday. Naturally, Nikolay had already left long ago, leaving the room in a pristine state.

Raine loitered in their shared room for a little while longer, pacing back and forth in front of the bathroom mirror. The last thing he wanted to do was face Tabitha and the other customers after his horrible mess up.

But eventually, the growl of his empty stomach pushed him to leave the comfort of his room. He'd have to face her at some point, unless he wanted to starve.

Reluctantly, he dragged his feet down the stairs. The bar was open, though it only had a few loitering customers standing around, and Tabitha stood in her usual spot behind the bar.

Tabitha paused in her mixing to turn around and face Raine. He flinched, bracing himself for the belated scolding that was sure to come.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Tabitha cracked a smile. "Breakfast's on the counter over there. Take your time. Nikolay's just in the backyard, chopping some firewood."

Huh? That wasn't what he was expecting at all. If he hadn't known any better, it would've seemed like nothing had happened.

Raine cautiously grabbed the plate of hot food and then sat down opposite Tabitha.

"Speaking of Nikolay," Raine started. "I feel really bad. He's already sick of having to deal with me all the time, and I just made it worse by messing up so badly in front of everyone."

"You're joking!" Tabitha exclaimed. "That man was defending you all of last night after you left. If anyone dared to speak ill of you, he would pour their drink down the drain right in front of them. Not to mention the glare that he would shoot."

"Actually... did you see what exactly happened? Somebody tripped me over, which is why I spilt the drink."

Tabitha raised her eyebrows. "I knew you wouldn't have been that clumsy. Who was it? We can do something about them."

"That wasn't the main part, if I'm going to be honest," Raine trailed off hesitantly. "He was trying to pressure me into ditching work to go to his house. When I refused, he started trying to coerce me. I'm guessing that tripping me over was his way of revenge. The only thing is, I don't know if I should try to explain myself to Nikolay. Because knowing him, Gremory might not wake up tomorrow morning if I tell him everything."

"Whatever you choose to do, I'm sure that Nikolay only wants to protect you. That's all he's done ever since you two first arrived here. And probably before, if I had to guess," Tabitha grinned. "Earlier this morning, I found out that Nikolay took the top bunk bed because he was afraid that you would fall off. What a great guy, huh? He never stops worrying about you. I mean, it'd be better for his health if he didn't constantly do it, but it's a nice gesture."

He had nothing to say to that. Sure, it sounded believable. He'd been stuck with the overprotective bastard for the past few months after all, but the thought of Nikolay particularly focusing on him was... Forget it. He didn't want to even entertain the thought.

Raine put his cleared plate in the sink and looked at Tabitha. "You said Nikolay was outside, right?"

He hadn't decided to tell Nikolay anything yet, but just seeing him would be enough to determine the general gist of things.

"Yep, 'round the corner and in the back garden."

Raine hurriedly rushed through the front door, avoiding eye contact with the customers in case they recognised him. He quickly made his way to the backyard, rounding the corner of the tavern.

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