Chapter 2

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The spirit and the hero stared at the mirror in front of them. The reflection of the vessel passively stared back.

The vessel looks... presentable, the spirit eventually said.

They were decidedly male. The spirit had insisted that they check, despite the hero's panicked verbal confirmations of the body's gender. While there was a gaunt look on the vessel's face, its black wavy hair had been styled into bangs that hid most of it. A short ponytail sat at the nape of their neck, tied in place by some string.

Thanks. I did it myself.

It wasn't a compliment, hero.

Don't call me that.

The spirit was surprised at his curt tone. And why is that?

I'm not a warrior who has been practicing my entire life for this. I had no idea that that gods existed until a few weeks ago. I'm just... a guy.

This was news to the spirit. It seemed that their initial preconceptions of the situation had been slightly wrong. But now was not the time to be poking into the other's backstory.

What should I call you instead?

...My name is Raine, if that's what you're asking. I'd like your name too.

The spirit paused as they considered the answer to Raine's question. Technically, I don't have a name. The parents of the vessel usually give me a name, but clearly this is a special case.

The vessel's mouth curled into a smug smile. I can give you a name. Since I'm basically your parent in this case.

I would rather not carry that for the rest of my life, the spirit snorted. Call me Nikolay. It was my original name.

Original name?

Sorry, that was my fault. I forgot that you were stupid.

Oh, wise one, please enlighten this half-witted peasant with your knowledge, Raine dryly said.

It's a long story, and I'm sure you would get bored before I even finished.

To his satisfaction, Nikolay felt Raine's annoyance radiating from their shared headspace.

You're playing hard to get now?! Go on, I promise that I'll listen.

It began with a deal several hundred years ago when I first faced death. The gods granted me seven vessels and seven chances to reincarnate. However, there was a condition to these vessels: one of the seven sins governed each life. To prevent me from attempting to violate the deal, my memories are wiped when I enter a new vessel. It appears that this is an exception. The vessel we are currently sharing is the last of the seven, and is ruled under the sin of Pride.

You're being so dramatic, Raine scoffed. And yet you managed to leave out the interesting parts. Why did you make the deal? How were you allowed to converse with the gods? Wait, are you even human?

...I'm not being dramatic.

Raine could swear that he sensed some embarrassment from Nikolay. Shit, now you're making me feel bad. Ignore what I said earlier.

For an average human, I'm surprised that you believe me. People are surprisingly stubborn.

After what's been happening recently, I'd probably believe anything. Even if it was something like... elves and dwarves being real.

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