Chapter 15

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Veritas was easy to spot from the mountains.

The city was a bright, shining beacon in the dull green fields surrounding it. Twisting white spires grew towards the sky, almost touching the clouds floating above. The sunlight filtering through the clouds shone an ethereal light on the entire city.

Below the skyscrapers, equally bright abstract shapes dotted the earth. From an educated guess, it was a combination of paved roads and creatively designed buildings. Nikorai was too far away to make out any details, but it was easy to picture the people bustling in and out of the buildings during peak hours.

If this city was any more heavenly, there'd be doves flying around with a choir singing in the background.

It looks so... ancient, yet modern. Is this what Heaven looks like?

Why are you asking me? Nikolay scoffed. I haven't died yet. Permanently, at least.

Raine fought the urge to scoff right back at Nikolay.

Well, what do you see when you die?

I wake up in a marble shrine. There's a guy who has the head of a goat and the body of a human... I suspect that he's a demigod, but I never have the chance to ask him.

Uh huh, Raine said doubtfully.

Nikolay scowled. Look, why don't you go and find out for yourself, smartass?!

Are you telling me to die? Raine laughed, clutching Rascal's reins so that he didn't fall off from the movement. You should've said that earlier, back when there were plenty of opportunities to do so.

You- Obviously, I can't let us die. I made a divine contract to get this body; I'll be damned if I don't get to live a fulfilled life in it.

Oh, I wanted to thank you, actually. For helping with the temple and saving our lives. I don't think I would've ever been able to escape without your help.

There was a poignant pause after Raine finished talking. It was nothign but complete radio silence for several incredibly long seconds. Raine was about to repeat it again, in case some weird interference had stopped his thoughts from being broadcasted.

Then, a quiet sound emanated from Nikolay.


The sheer awkwardness took him aback, in a positively hilarious way. Raine had to stifle an incoming laugh with his hand. Nikolay was inadvertently adorable, despite his insistence on being a battle-hardened stoic.

Shut up. I can feel you thinking that.

I can also feel your embarrassment, Raine shot back in mirth. For the record, a 'Your welcome' would be fine. I wouldn't mind if you complimented me instead, though.

For a second, he thought Nikolay was going to comply with the latter.


The man in question didn't dare speak, lest he startle Nikolay from speaking.

Nikolay let out a heavy sigh. Don't thank me again. It makes things complicated.

Aww, damn. And here he was, wishing for another compliment from Nikolay.

The natural silence that followed was sobering. Without a conversation to stave off Raine's thoughts, they returned in full force.

Even though discovering the temple had clarified some parts of the prophecy, it only complicated the puzzle presented to Raine. Not just regarding the prophecy, but weird occurrences that happened around them.

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