Chapter 5

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It was a walk of shame towards the city's centre. Raine was painfully aware that they were sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the drab greys of Marque. Though, it was hardly his fault for not looking as if he lost the joy of life.

They had unintentionally intruded on a local market, with food stalls blocking most of the streets. Although markets were usually colourful and bustling with life, somehow the atmosphere felt more akin to a funeral. People ambled past each other with hardened looks, and seldom exchanged words when they bought goods. More than once, Nikorai received an unfriendly elbow in their side from walking too slow.

It saddened Raine to see an occasion renowned for liveliness turned into a monotonous chore. Yet, he knew that looking on as an outsider was far from the truth. He was unfamiliar with the city's customs; it was highly possible they had other ways of connecting with each other.

A ping of annoyance from Nikolay signalled Raine to cease wallowing in his thoughts. Having a shared headspace was convenient, but it was brutally transparent when it came to emotions.

As Nikorai trudged past the cobbled streets, residents of all ages stopped their activities to stare at the newcomer. Raine was pretty sure that an old woman was about to throw her basket full of groceries at him. Whether this was in fear or disgust, it still gave Raine a sense of discomfort either way.

Can you take over? Raine whined. You'd fit right at home in this depressing town.

Nope. I'm having too much fun watching you squirm.

You sadistic jerk.

A young woman dressed in rags blocked their path, stumbling in front of them. In a reflexive manner, Raine quickly stepped forward to catch her before she hit the ground. It was far from a valiant rescue by a knight in shining armour, but Raine managed to ease the brunt of the force.

Her hood fell off as Raine helped her stand up. Raine was startled to find that she was about the same age as him. With a lovely face, too. There was a flush to her cheeks that was indicative of her past beauty.

"Thank you, kind sir," she mumbled through cracked lips. "Few people help beggars anymore."

Ah. That would explain her rags.

"Don't worry about it," Raine said, scratching his head. "Uh, you look great. I wouldn't have even known if you hadn't told me."

Nikolay was amused by Raine's response. Never held a girl before?

If you haven't noticed, I'm equally awkward around everyone, no matter their gender, Raine remarked. What the hell am I supposed to say when someone tells me they're a beggar?

Even the girl was a little confused at Raine's comment. "T- Thank you. I should leave. I've already taken up your time."

Raine had the strong urge to slap himself for being such an idiot.

"Wait!" he said, grabbing her wrist. "Here, take this."

He reached into his pocket and found some spare coins lying at the bottom. An assortment of gold and silver coins were deposited carefully in the woman's hands.

Why do you have loose coins in your pock-

"Thank you so much," she whispered as she cradled the coins. "I appreciate it, kind stranger."

"No problem. I hope the rest of your day goes well."

Nikorai watched as she swiftly darted away, weaving in and out of the market stalls. Apart from a few flashes of her brown rags, they quickly lost track of her. A middle-aged man roughly pushed past their unmoving figure, reminding them that they were still in the middle of the road. Raine quickly began walking again, partially pushed by the other market goers.

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