Chapter 10

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Both Raine and Nikolay came to their senses at the same time.

Wow, I feel horrible. This is so much worse than a hangover.

Their left arm throbbed heavily in an unrelenting shock of pain. Nikorai blearily looked up to see that the wound had been neatly bandaged. This would have been comforting, if not for the fact that they were also handcuffed to the wall.

A quick cursory glance over their surroundings immediately informed them of their situation. They were currently in a dingy jail cell, barely lit by a singular torch that was held by the guard standing outside the metal bars. They were practically hanging by their arms, which was far from the most comfortable position for someone with a wounded arm.

The guard turned to Nikorai when he noticed their awakening. "Oh, finally. I've been standing here for days, waiting for you to wake up. You sure are a determined bunch. We weren't expecting you to actually fill the bowl, but you pleasantly surprised us. We had chloroform ready, but I guess bleeding out heroically suits your role more."

The shrine was a set-up all along. Since when had they become ensnared in the trap? No wonder why the sage didn't react when they had an internal fight in front of her. Was the stranger on the path also a part of the plot? Lysandra? Gull? Even Navi? Did it even matter anymore? They were in this shitty situation, whether they liked it or not.

Nikolay glared at the guard. "Stop talking. I didn't wake up to hear an asshole go and monologue to himself."

"Like talking to a wounded wild animal," the guard scoffed. "That might've served you well in the past, but it won't help you now. Remember which one of us is in chains here."

"So you enjoy spitting on people who are chained up? Kicking people when they're down?"

"Hmm," he tapped his chin in a mockingly thoughtful expression. "Yes. I'm sorry that you care about it so much."

Ask him about the bandage on our arm.

Stop backseating.

Well, it doesn't look like you're relinquishing control anytime soon.

"For somebody so heartless, you seem well-versed in bandaging wounds," Nikolay jerked his head towards their left arm.

"Oh, that wasn't me. The doctors were responsible for your recovery. You've been out for a couple weeks, thanks to some strong magic-based anaesthetic. You should be thankful, really. If they hadn't been onsite when you sliced your artery, you definitely would have been done for."

"If you hadn't led us into the temple, we wouldn't be in that situation in the first place," Nikolay spat. "You thick-headed, conceited piece of shit."

Instead of being angry at Nikolay's words, a wide smile began to grow on the guard's face.

"You know, if you keep acting so ungrateful," he said, a menacing gleam flashing in his eyes. "I'll be forced to keep you in line. A vicious dog needs to have some sense beaten into him."

Nikolay, we're still injured. Don't do anything brash.

To Raine's dismay, his words only served to spur Nikolay even further.

"You must love hearing yourself talk," Nikolay hissed. "A mirror would be a better listener for you — but even the mirror would eventually become tired of your bullshit, too."

As Nikolay spoke, the guard opened the door and stalked into their cell. A lopsided grin stretched across his darkened face.

"You asked for this. Remember that," the guard advised.

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