Chapter 16

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This tastes so fucking good. I think I'm going to pass out from how delicious this pastry is.

I would advise against it.

At the end of the mouth-watering scent trail, Raine and Nikolay had found a quaint little café. It didn't take long for Raine to order something and sit at a secluded table in the far corner.

Along their way to the café, a city guard had stopped them and explained that it was illegal for Rascal to be unleashed in the city streets. With half of his brain still thinking of the potential food, Raine allowed for the guard to take Rascal to the city's community stables. The mule didn't seem to mind the brief ownership change. She willingly trailed behind the guard, who grabbed her reins in lieu of the missing lead.

But currently, Raine was more focused on the pastry in front of him.

Nikolay, can you taste it from where you are? I can switch out if you want. This is so much better than the canned and packaged 'meals' that we've been having for... literally our entire time in this vessel.

I'm fine. You would enjoy it more than me.

Well if Nikolay insisted, he would hardly refuse.

In the midst of Raine's gleeful feasting, they were interrupted by the sound of somebody approaching their corner of the café.

The waitress moved gracefully across the floor, like she was gliding through water. If not for the slight rustle of her floral dress every time she moved, somebody would have thought that she was levitating. Unlike most of the other waiters and waitresses, she carried no tray or order pad in her hands. She came to a gentle halt at Raine's table.

"Hello," the waitress beamed. "I hope our food meets your expectations."

At surface level, the smile on her face was warm and welcoming. But her teeth looked too sharp, her eyes too cold.

A meaningful nudge from Nikolay initiated a switchover in the vessel.

"What is it?" Nikolay deadpanned.

In response, the waitress discreetly waved her hand in a strange motion. It quickly became clear what she intended; the ambient sound of customers chatting and background music suddenly cut out. In its place was a ringing silence, their brain still trying to process the abrupt change.

The menacing smile was still on her face. "Unfortunately, blocking sound is much easier than Light magic. Otherwise, you two would have been dead several minutes ago."

Nikolay's eyes narrowed. He instinctively reached for the nearest sharp object in his vicinity, which happened to be a fork.

The waitress's gaze flicked towards his hand in amusement. "Do you think that cutlery will be able to defend you from magic? You are powerless. You would not even notice magic if it was in front of your nose."

Despite her words, Nikolay's white-knuckled grip on the fork didn't loosen. "Are you affiliated with the Order of Truth?"

"You must be Nikolay. The brash and easy to provoke fallen angel, yet paradoxically with sharp instincts and equally sharp wit. A shame it's wasted on the likes of your companion."

Is she calling me stupid? Raine protested. Not that her opinion of me is the most important thing right now, but excuse me?!

Nikolay glared at the waitress. "Lay off Raine. He might be stupid-"


"But a coward who hides behind their magic like you has no place to criticise anybody."

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