Quidditch 101

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Scarlets POV:

"Scar. Scar?" I can barely make out the quiet voice of Pansy while I slowly awaken from my first dreamless sleep in a week. I must have been the potion I took before falling asleep.

"Come on. We promised Draco that we would meet him in the common room to walk to the pitch with him." Groaning, I turned around in bed and hid under my covers.

I have been held up in my room most days, Pansy has made many attempts to get me out of bed. So has Draco. But they only last long enough to go to class or to the Room of Requirement. It's not that I am some heartbroken girl crying her eyes all night. No. I no longer care about Adrian. It's the fact that I'm embarrassed.

Lying here, I have been thinking more and more about my relationship with Adrian. All of the things he has said and done to me. Always treating me as if I was not good enough for him. The constant pressure to have sex. The inexcusable fact that he cheated on me. More than once, might I add.

The blankets are ripped from the bed, and I am quick to draw my wand at the raven haired girl responsible.

"I'm not going. It's not like Theo wants me there anyways. He can't even look at me." I mumble tucking my wand away and reaching for the blankets again.

"Scar, you have to go. You promised and I cannot stand to see you spend another night here. You need fresh air... And some sunlight." The girl sasses while pulling the blanket back farther so that it is out of reach.

Feeling sorry for me, the girl comes and sits next to me in bed. "I know you're sad about your break up. But look at it this way. You are now a hot single woman. Free to date Th-" She hesitates. "--date anyone you want."

I huff out a little laugh sitting up on my elbows, so that I can look at her more clearly. "Pans. I am so embarrassed. How could I let him treat me like that for so long?"

Pansy carefully sits next to me on the bed placing a kind hand on my leg. "Scar, I don't want to pretend that I know everything you've been through. Hell, I am pretty sure the only one who truly knows everything, is Draco."

I fiddle with my wand nervously. I hate keeping secrets from my friends.. But what would they think if they knew the truth? If they knew who my parents were? Yes their parents are Death Eaters. The Dark Lord followers. But mine. Bellatrix and Roudluphus... They are different. They are the deranged Death Eaters that Theo shouted about all those days ago. They are the worst of the worst and I am terrified for them to know the truth.

"But what I do know. Is that us, your family? Your chosen family. Will always be here for you, because we know you will always be here for us." My heart warms with Pansys sentiments. The ice around her heart cracking just slightly. Just enough to show me love.

I smile at her words as I watch her get up out of bed and grab my hands pulling me out of bed. "We have a match to get to." She smiles back just as warmly.


The sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the Quidditch pitch. The air buzzed with anticipation as the Slytherin and Ravenclaw teams took their positions. Draco points out Blaise and Theo above us in the air. I spend the entire game keeping a close eye on Theo, knowing that Adrian is up there as well sends a sense of urgency throughout my body.

The Quaffle soared into the air, and the Chasers from both teams darted after it. Their robes billowed, and their brooms cut through the wind like knives. Ravenclaws Rodger Davies executed a perfect Wronski Feint, diving toward the ground before pulling up at the last second, narrowly avoiding a collision with the goalposts. The crowd gasped, torn between awe and fear.

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