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In the beginning of Slughorn's lecture I am standing next to Hermione in the front of the class. A loud bang comes from the door to the classroom Slughorn abruptly stops to address the two boys making the commotion, Harry and Ron come stumbling into the room. Making their way to the book cabinet they are fighting over the last two books. Hermione rolls her eyes next to me as I start to snicker.

"Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" He asks searching around the classroom for an eager student. Of course Hermione is the only one raising her hand. Swot. "Yes,  miss..."

"Granger, Sr." she clears her throat. "That one there is veritaserum. It's a truth telling serum." She says matter of factly.

"Yes Miss Granger, That is current. How about you miss...." he points to me

"Oh uh, Johnson, Sr." I stutter over my words. Why on Crices name did he pick me?

"Ah Miss Johnson. Go on. Do you know what potion this one is?" He gestures to the cauldron on the right. Pink mist slowly evaporating out the top.

"Yes. This one here is Amortentia. Terribly tricky to create. It is the most powerful love potion in the world." I look around me. Hermione is smiling in my direction indicating that I took the words right from her mouth.  "It is rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them." I lean over just a step to be able to smell the potion. "For example, I smell fresh limes, violets, and tobacco." I blush while taking a step back to aline with Hermione.

"Very good Miss Johnson." He claps his hands together. "This last one here is Felix Felicis. Otherwise known as liquid luck. The rest of the class you will be brewing an acceptable Draft of Living Death. Recipes can be found within your textbook. You may begin." He dismisses us students back to our table to proceed with the brewing of the potion.

Getting all the necessary ingredients to my table next to Theo I start to brew the potion. Typically am great in potions. It is one of my favorite classes. Draco, Hermione, and I are the highest scoring students in our class. For some reason these instructions seem off. Looking around the room I see that both Hermione and Draco are also having issues brewing this particular potion. 

"Amara, are you having some trouble?" Theo asks snidely next to me. My forehead is starting to sweat. Theo has a huge grin on his face next to me.

"This just doesn't seem right... I cannot get it right." I am frantically looking around the classroom.

"Maybe you're just not as good in potions as you thought" He laughs.

I shoot a death glare at him. "Well if that's how you feel you're more than welcome getting a new partner." Theo is a great potions partner. Though I'd rather work with Draco or Hermione, Theo listens to my instructions and does what I say. So I cannot complain much.

"No, no. I would much rather keep you as a partner. You are much nicer to look at all of class compared to Drakey over there." He snickers. I blush as my glare softens as I continue to try and brew my potion.

Fresh limes and violets . Adrian smells like grass so that makes sense. But I have never been around him when he smelled like limes or violets. Theo though.. He smells of limes. Is it possible for my Amortentia to smell like more than one person?

"So, Pans told me she found you and Adrian in bed together last night. Does this mean you two are back together?" Theo asks as he stirs in potion.

Damn Pansy. I knew she couldn't keep her mouth shut. "Of course she did." I say rolling my eyes. "I think so? He apologized and said he loves me. I love him too, you know. It's just hard to forget those feelings." Talking about my relationships with Theo has always been sort of uncomfortable. Not because I am uncomfortable around him, but because of the little crush I have had on him the past couple of years.

As the sun sets//Theodore NottNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ