Cruel and Evil

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Theos POV

They have been gone for two hours. What could he possibly want with Scarlet? She isn't marked and neither are her parents. She shouldn't even be part of this war. She isn't like them, like us. Cruel and evil. She is friends with the stinking golden trio for bloody sake!

She is one of the good ones.

With a crack I whip my head over to where Draco and Scarlet left hours ago. Loud, ear shattering screams are coming from the girl in Draco's arms. "Muffliato now Theo!"

Draco is covered in blood as he rushes over and places her on my bed. She is without a shirt, screaming. It's then that I see the blood is hers. Her arm is covered in what looks like cigarette burns, cuts and a large scar across her left eye. More scars are littered across her chest.

My heart stops. I am frozen. I can't breathe...

"THEO NOW!" Dracos yells bringing me back to reality. I take a deep breath and occlude. Then grab my wand to cast the spell.

"Wh... What happened?!" I finally find my voice, trembling, while Draco is trying to heal the large cut across her collarbone. She's thrashing around on the bed and he can't get her to lay still in order for the incantation to work.

"You're going to have to hold her down Theo. She was splinched... Please. Hold her down."

I run over to her but as soon as I reach down to hold her other arm, her screams intensify.

"NO. NO PLEASE." She's begging, fear clear in her eyes. "DON'T TOUCH ME. DON'T TOUCH ME."

I jump back, hands in the air and eyes wide looking from the bloody girl to Draco. "I- I didn't..." Draco stops trying to keep her still. Gripping his wand so hard that his knuckles are white.

He then looks at me for a second with a frown. He bends down slowly and whispers something into her ear, which seems to calm her slightly.

"You're going to have to do it Theo. I have to hold her down. She's not going to let anyone else touch her." Draco sits next to her on the bed, leaning over her to hold both of her arms down and whispering in her ear again.

"Shh you're safe. He's not here. I won't let him touch you." Confused, I come to stand near and start the incantation.

Slowly her laceration closes and her screams become quieter. Her labored breathing slowed down so much so that you can barely tell she's breathing.

Draco lets out a shaky breath before hesitantly getting up to get a washcloth in order to wash all the dried blood off her chest.

Once the room is quiet again and she is asleep (or passed out) I can finally start to piece together what just occurred.

"What the fuck happened...?" I ask quietly while eyes glued to her chest, watching it  move up and down ensuring that she is still breathing.

"She was..." He gulps. "She was punished..." Draco looks towards me, his face is sullen. "Since we haven't fixed the cabinet yet. He went into her mind--" He takes a shuddering breath before he can continue.

"He had them Crucio her till he could get through." He sighs deeply. "She fought so hard, but I could see her start to break... They just wouldn't stop..."

Tears slowly cascading down the blonde boy's face as he looks over to the girl who has always been like a sister to him.

He leans with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. Voice going quiet. "I just sat there. I sat there and did nothing..."

As the sun sets//Theodore NottOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora