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Scarlets POV:

I haven't gone to the lake since that night with Theo. He hasn't said anything but I can tell he wants to. Behind his typical flirty demeanor there is a flash of sadness when he meets my eyes. I don't know what to say if he asks me about it though. How can I show him that I am okay? I don't need pity. I am stronger than he thinks.

The dance is in a few hours and I am sitting on my four poster bed working on my alchemy project when Pansy bursts through the door.

"You're not dressed yet? The dance starts soon and I want to have some punch before Blaise and Theo spike it with Ogdens." Pansy is wearing a tight square neck dress. She cleverly charmed devil horns on her head, her shoulder length black hair is curled and has a tail behind her magically swaying back and forth.

"I was just finishing up one equation before the dance." Closing my books and tucking the parchment inside I get up and flick my wand at myself. My hair is flowing down, some pieces pinned on the back of my head with a white bow. A charmed halo appeared above my head and angel wings on my back. The dress pansy chose for me is identical to her own, but white.

"You look hot, Scar. These boys are going to go crazy tonight." She is giddy as she pulls me out the door heading for the great hall.

Standing by the door to the Great Hall is Blaise and Theo. Both in suits that match the red on Pansys dress perfectly. Magic horns on their heads as well but no tails, even with Pansys incessant begging.

Blaise is talking to Adrian who is wearing a white tux with his own charmed halo atop his brown hair. Theo seems to be flirting with Padma who is dressed as a warrior princess.

Whistling comes from Blaise and Adrian as me and Pansy walk down the stairs. I link my arms with Adrian as he snakes his arm around my waist and kisses me. "You look so sexy angel, though I am a little surprised you are willing to show so much skin." He says while pulling back slightly to look me over.

My smile falters at Adrian's words. "I guess it is a little much for me, huh?" I mumbles looking down at my outfit. After some conversation, I look over to Pansy who is fussing with Blaise's suit jacket. Then I make eye contact with Theo who is behind Adrian, he has completely disregarded Padma's presence and is staring back at me. His face is flush and smiling at me. "I think you look great, Scarlet." He then quickly looks back to Padma as she leads him to the dance floor.

After an hour it seems that more people are dancing. Though that could be from the help of Blaise and Theos little party gift in the punch bowl. Pansy is dancing with Blaise and... Luna? Storing that memory away for me to ask her about later. I look around some more and I finally spot Theo. He's sitting at a table with Padma. His big hands are sliding up and down her toned leg while she whispers in his ear. An unwanted wave of jealousy washes over me as I walk over to where Adrian is.

I place myself on his lap, kissing his cheek. "Are you having a good time?" I ask as my arms wrap around the back of his neck. He's tense, keeping his voice low so only I can hear him. "No Scarlet. I've been sitting here alone, while you're out there dancing like a slut for everyone to watch. It's bloody pathetic."

My face drops.. "What do you mean? I thought you liked my costume?" Sadness laces my voice as I look down at my dress and back to him.

"That was before I watched every boy in here stare at you all night. Even your best friend. Nott hasn't stopped staring at you." Adrian's voice grew angrier while his face morphs into disgust when he was talking about Theo.

"Me and Theo are just friends, it's not like that. You're the only person I want to be here with Adrian." I try to grab his face again so I can kiss him, but instead he grabs my wrists, hard, and pushes me off of him.

As the sun sets//Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now