The Meeting

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*Please be aware of the trigger warnings for this chapter as it is dark and some themes may be triggering or hard for some readers.*

Scarlett's POV:

"It's been a week since the Halloween dance and Adrian caught me leaving my dorm the next afternoon and apologized. Explaining to me that it looked bad on him that I would be showing that much skin around other people. I hesitantly apologized, but apologized no less and told him that I would be more modest. "Good girl" he said as he kissed my cheek and walked me to class.

Draco and I have our meeting with the Dark Lord tonight and we have been in the room of requirement every night trying to get this damn thing open. We are no closer than when the term started. Needless to say, we are bloody stressed.

Slipping into my wand into my jumper, I stand outside Draco and Theos dorm. I knock on the large oak door twice. "Come in." I hear Draco's voice call. When I open the door I see Draco pacing back and forth from his bed to Theos, mumbling to himself. Seeing as my lovely cousin is having a sort of panic attack I take a seat on the edge of Theos bed.

The bathroom door to my left squeaks open. "Hey, tell me if you see my father will you? Oh, and feel free to throw him under the night bus if you get the chan--" He pauses looking at me with his seductive smile. "Bambina, I didn't hear you come in." Theo is wearing just a towel that is low on his hips and water is dripping from his chest and disappearing under the towel.

Say something Scarlet! I yell at myself. "I uh. Yeah. Draco said it was okay to come in."

"Well it's more than okay. Are you here to keep me company while our Drakey goes to see the Dark Lord. " He says that last part with a very dramatic Italian accent while using another towel to dry his curly hair.

This stops Dracos pacing "What? No Theo. She is coming with me. The letter from mother specifically said her presence was required. I'm only invited because hes at the Manor."

"What? Why do they need Scarlet?" Theos eyes start to gray while he is looking at me with concern.

"I am not sure." Draco says digging through the mess of blankets on his bed, looking for his wand. Once his wand is secured, he holds his hand out for me, I stand up to grab it when I am stopped with a loud thump from behind me. Theo now has a black jumper on and is struggling to put his pants on.

"Hold on. I am coming with you." He says once his pants are on and he's reaching for his own wand.

"Theo. No. You cannot come." Draco is pulling us away from the brown haired boy. "The Dark Lord requested her. Not you."

"You're bloody mad if you think I am just going to let her get thrown at his feet. You know what he is capable of." His face is red and his eyes are fully gray now. Anger radiating off him in waves.

"Theo." I reach for his hand, pulling his attention off of Draco. His eyes snap to mine and lighten slightly. "I will be fine. I promise. He probably just wants me to attend because I essentially live with Malfoys." I give him my best convincing smile.

If I am being honest, when Cissy wrote that he requested me to be there as well I was flooded with panic. It's all I have been able to think about. But Theo cannot go. I do not want to anger The Dark Lord anymore than he will already be.

"Please. We will tell you everything we can when we get back. I promise." I squeeze his hand reassuringly.

Still looking unconvinced he pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. "Please be safe, Bambina. Draco, please bring her straight back here."

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