Nazi germany x Singapore x Japanese empire pt. 3

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"Fascit, his stomach has been getting bigger lately, have you been feeding him against our wishes?" Nazi asked as he eyed kingdom of Italy. " I-i have been feeding him, but not very often... once a day maybe?" The kingdom of Italy guiltily responded, looking down at the floor.

"Well, if you feed him only once a day, he can't be that fat already, can he?" JE said, for rowing his eyebrows. "Yeah, you'll have to be feeding him five times a day..." nazi looked at fascit, then JE, then Singapore.

"Could it be that he's...pregnant?" JE suddenly purled his head up. "How can that be???" Nazi cried out. "Men can't give birth!" "Well, maybe he can?" JE said, a bit unsure of what he'd just said.

Fascit looked at Nazi and JE before saying, "considering what you guys have done to him for the past two days, it is very possible that that might've happened.."

Singapore let out a small whine as JE picked his stomach with a knife. " very... odd..." JE said. "Let's go get a doctor or a home pregnancy kit." 

"Good idea." 


Switzerland sat on the chair, tied up and muffled. "So, doc, we have a problem here, and you're gonna help us solve it, otherwise you will never see your family again." HE threatened him.

"B-but you already killed them.." Switzerland muttered softly. "Yeah, I mean that we won't kill you." Nazi said, annoyed.

A few hours later...

"We...we...we have a kid?!!" JE screamed. Nazi gulped as he stared at Singapore. Fascit almost started to giggle at both of his allies faces, but didn't when he realised what this meant. Singapore was gonna have a child. And it belonged to Nazi and JE. They were gonna be...parents!!!

Singapore looked dumbfounded. He'd never knew he could have children until now, and worse yet, Nazi, JE, and him were the parents.

"So... what do we do now.." Nazi mumbled. "Kill the child and the bearer?" JE suggested.

"No... just kill the child when it's born?"

" that's terrible! You guys should just keep the child!"

Now, all eyes were fixed on Fascit.

"Fine then, since you make keeping a child and taking care of the barter sound so easily, you might as well take care of both!" Nazi said, grabbing Fascit by his collar.

One month in...

Fascit was rubbing Singapore on the head as he sobbed, telling him the joys of pregnancy.

Two months in...

Fascit and Singapore were reading books on taking care of babies.

Three months in...

Singapore was always tired, and JE and Nazi came in regularly to check up on him.

Four months in...

Singapore was definitely not insercure on his weight.

Five months in...

Singapore could feel the baby kicking, and Fascit was happy for him, while he was trying to keep the gloom at bay.

Six months in...

They read even more books on how to take care of children, and Fascit bought: a crib, a stroller, some toys, baby food and a pacifier.

Seven months in... 

They went to Switzerland to see the child.

Eight months in... 

The baby was suspected to come out on 29 February.

Nine months in...

 Singapore is in.... Agreatamountifpainbecasueheisinlabpur.

"Uhh...congrats on your triplets?" Switzerland said as he stared at the newborns in Singapore's hands. "Haha, thank you." 

Their names: Nazi Singapore, japapore and imperial Germany.

They were sure cute, but a hell lot of trouble.

Why were they trouble? Here are some reasons why you should never get kids:

1. They need to go potty every one minute

2. They throw a tantrum every five seconds

3. They hate sleeping

4. When they are sleeping, it's almost impossible to leave the room without waking them up.

5. They can't be left unguarded at any point in time, not even one second or you'll be regretting all your life desicions

Oh my, there are so many more that I can't possibly list out, but these were the five main ones.

So, in short, Nazi, JE, Singapore and Fascit are great parents, I'll prob make a part 4 displaying all of them in art. 

Sing this to your kids if they you hate them:

Rock a bye baby

On the tree top

When the wind blows

The cradle will rock

When the bow breaks  the cradle will fall

And you will die

Cradle and all

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