Vatican City X Singapore (fluff)

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Damn, most of this is smut, let me do fluff this time.


Singapore, who had stayed behind school with Vatican City to help their teacher carry some homework to the staff office. For some reason, they both had managed to leave their pen in the classroom, so they had to go get it, together. 

Singapore had found a (what do you call that thing?) the (gay flag? uh- well that thing) lying on the floor behind America's desk. So, he decided to be cheeky by starting to chase Vatican around the classroom. "G-get away from me! Arggghhhhhhh!" Vatican screamed for Singapore to get away from him. "You prob gay, dude!" Singapore shouted back at Vatican City, still chasing him with the flag stretched very wide. (That came out so weirder then I expected it to be.)

"Dude, I didn't do anything wrong! Stop chasing me around!" Vatican yelled, his energy slowly fading away.

"Damn Vatican, first time I ever hear you begging." Singapore said, laughing as he did.

Slowly both their energy began to drain, and Vatican was starting to give up running, he knew he was going to caught even if he stopped now.

Eventually, Vatican stopped running, and Singapore nearly trippped the both of them, since Vatican frooze in the middle of the classroom when they were both running at incredible speeds.

Laughing, Singapore forcefully forced Vatican to sit on his lap at Cyprus table.

Then, he started to kiss and lick Vaticans neck slowly, teasing him as his erection rose. "Hmmmmm, s-Singa, I-eh-" Vatican kind of moaned as the sharp teeth of his classmate edged agasint his bare neck.

Later, singapore had fallen asleep on Vatican, so he was basically a standing pole for Singapore.

Just then, he tried to get up, which was very much successful, and he slowly started to carried Singapore as best as he could, carrying him home—Vatican's home.

Cuddling Singapore, Vatican hugged Singapore very tightly. Now, Vatican was spooning him, and he went to sleep, with his new found love.

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