Yandere! Iceland x Singapore

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"Brrhhhhh, it's s-so c-c-cold t-today...." Singapore said as he walked down the street. The weather was so hot this morning  and the weather forecast said that it would be a very sunny day but it suddenly started snowing out of the blue and Singapore got caught in the sudden change of weather.

He decided to go to the nearby shop so that he wouldn't freeze to death in the snow. He knew Iceland worked there and he decided that he could have some small talk with Iceland since they hadn't talked in a while. He could also get some winter clothes there for snowy days. 

As he walked in the store, he found Iceland sleeping at the counter face down. He got a fluffy winter jacket, a Bennie and a scarf before walking up to the counter towards the sleeping Iceland. He stoped in front of the counter before ringing the counter bell. (I can't believe that I used the word counter so much) 

"W-wha? O-oh uh- sorry for falling asleep, business isn't very good here," Iceland said, a bit startled. "Nah, it's okay, I understand."


'Is that Singapore? Damn, my crush is standing right in front of me, this is so embarrassing! He caught me sleeping on my job,' I thought as I helped to scan the items he picked out.

"Why are you here?" I asked as normally he wouldn't come here. "Oh, I got caught in the sudden change of weather, so I came here to get some winter clothes," Singapore answered me with a smile. I smirked as I looked outside the window and saw it snowing even harder then before.

"Oh my," Singapore said as he looked outside the window. "What's wrong hon-" I had to stop myself from calling him honey. Shi-. Singapore gave me a confused look before I cut him off by saying, "I don't think you can go anywhere on foot in that weather, do you want me to drive you home?" I asked him.

"Huh? Oh, uh, sure, I guess," he answered as I looked at him lovingly.


'Iceland just asked me if I wanted him to drive me home, so ofc I agreed.'


 When the store closed, they went to Iceland's car, but Iceland went the opposite direction of Singapore's house, even though Iceland knew where Singapore lived. That made Singapore confused.

"Iceland, w-where are we going?" Singapore asked, getting confused. Iceland didn't respond. "Iceland?! WHERE ARE WE GOING!" Singapore shouted at Iceland as tears were forming in his eyes. Iceland still didn't respond. 

Iceland suddenly pulled into an ally way before grabbing Singapore by his arm and dragging him out the car and into the dark ally way. Just then, Singapore felt something come intact with the back of his head, and before he had any time to react, he fell unconscious.










Singapore woke up in an unfamiliar place, it was decorated with fake ice and fake snow. Suddenly the door creaked open and out came Iceland. No way, Singapore thought, he trusted Iceland and now Iceland was just going to kidnap him??? 

"Sorry love, I just couldn't let anyone else take you away from me, I had to do this," Iceland said as he sat down next to Singa and kissed him on the lips. Singapore, stunned by this action, tried his best to pull away, only to find out that Iceland had bound him together with ropes. Singapore shed a few tears as Iceland tried to deepen the kiss. 

"Sorry, love, but you will get used to it soon, I promise." Iceland said as he hugged Singapore.

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