Britain x Singapore (fluff)

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Britain sighed, it had been a long time since his sons had moved, he missed them a lot. He and France had broken up just yesterday. Singapore was the only one who bothered to stay with Britain, but he would not talk to Brit at all because Britain had abandoned him during World War II. Singa walked out of his room only to find Brit sitting on the sofa hugging his knees. so Singa decided to comfort him. He went up to the sofa and sat down beside Brit, causing him to look at Singa before Singa hugged him tightly making Brit gasp softly before hugging him back. After hugging each other for a while, they gazed at each other before Singa leaned on Brit and sat on his lap making the English country blush sightly.

Brit then grabbed Singa's chin, forcing Singa to look at him. They locked eyes with each other before the Singaporean kissed Brit on the lips. Brit grabbed Singa's waist and brought him closer to him. Singa got off Brit after a while of kissing, grabbed his arm and dragged him to Brit's bedroom. The moment they got there, they got on the bed and cuddled for a while before falling asleep.

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