Singapore x China

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Singapore sighed as he saw China glare at him for what felt like the thousand time in class.

China had that evil grin in his eyes that made Singapore scared-like, really scared. Singa was usually not scared of him, but this made him want to get away from China as fast as he could.

During recess, Singa looked around the hallway nervously and hid behind the locker door trying to pretend to look for something inside when China walked past him and grabbed his shoulder.

 "Hello, aru." China said in his cheerful tone that made him sound like a manic.

"You know, you're really lucky that Russia and America isn't here today, so you won't feel as much pain as you will today." China continued, now grinning.

China pulled Singapore away and dragged him to the storage room, shutting and locking the door.

Singapore squirmed as China threw him against the shelf, and China laughed. "*Sigh, to bad Russia and America didn't come today, we were planning something fun since you came here, but they betrayed me by not coming today."

Singapore looked around and started to think of a way to get away, but stopped when China got on top of him.

"China! What are you doing?!" Singapore screamed in desperation. "Get off me!"

China chuckled as Singapore tried to kick him, what a weak little thing.

China slowly brought Singapore into a deep and somewhat passionate kiss, and Singapore tried to get away even more.

Singapore let out a small moan as China rubbed his clothed crotch, that made China smile.

"slut..." China muttered under his breathe, making sure Singapore could hear but not very clearly.

Singapore furrowed his eyebrows as China took off both their clothes and bit his neck.

Very soon, China was inside Singapore, and Singapore was moaning his ass off.

"slut, ha ha." China mumbled loudly (not much of a mumble now, right?), and Singapore grumbled.

"Fuck. I-I ahh-! H-hate y-you uhhh..." Singapore mumbled-grumbled-moaned.

China started kissing Singapore all over his chest, making Singa grunt and let out another moan.

Sooner or later, Singapore came all over their chests, and China giggled when Singapore groaned. 

He was so cute.

When China came inside Singapore, he let out a long and exasperated moan.

"You know what?" China started.  "Let's do this sometime again."

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