Chapter 11

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"I think I'm in love," Misaki squeals, falling back onto the large soft bed belonging to her older sister.

"You just met the man," Astrid mused, brushing the long hair of Sypha's back, "How could you possibly be in love?"

"I didn't say it made any sense..." Misaki held the soft pillow to her chest with a small smile, "It's the way he made me feel when he held me in his arms, the way we spoke all night and couldn't stop..."

Sypha raised an eyebrow in the mirror catching Astrid's gaze.

"You know Seung is almost ten years older than you," Sypha stated as Astrid began to braid her hair, "And will most likely never accede to the throne of his country."

Seung was the second born son to the late King Li-Chen. Li-Chen had four children before his passing, his oldest child and current King Li-Chen the second, Prince Seung, Princess Aoki, and Prince Peng. Li-Chen the second ascended to the throne once they realized just how sick their father was and took over the King duties to give their father more time with the family.

Li-Chen was married soon after the coronation to Princess Lily who lived on a small island close to Rythea Isles and they now have three children. Three children meaning a far chance from Seung to ever become King.

"That doesn't bother me at all, I don't see myself becoming a Queen, in fact I enjoy the princess life. I think it was always meant for me."

Astrid laughed at this, finishing Sypha's braid and placing the brush down, "Just so happens that you were born into the right family huh?"

"You laugh but I'm serious. As a Princess I feel more hands on with my life and things I can do in the kingdom, there's not as much pressure in my role compared to-," Misaki stopped as her sister looked at her in the mirror with a pointed look.

"You can say it. Nothing compared to the pressures of being the Queen or the wife of a King for that matter. It's true, no need to look so nervous," Sypha stood from her seat making her way to the dresser to remove the jewels she had worn for the evening.

"It's just... how are you able to handle it?" Misaki asked her sister the question she had never asked before.

Being only 23 years old, Misaki hadn't had much responsibility on her shoulders. Her siblings Makoto, and Sypha were older than her and took on more responsibility due to being an heir to the throne and the only man to carry on the last name. Makoto is 28 years old, he had to work extremely hard over the years to develop understanding of politics and his country in order to help his sister.

Sypha, 30, was groomed to become Queen since she was born and knew of nothing else but hard work. Although growing up in the same household, they all held different lives with different sets of the same parents. And Misaki understood that more now than ever.

"It's getting late, I'll see you in the morning for breakfast."

Astrid and Misaki shared a look from behind Sypha before moving out of the room quietly shutting the door with a click.

Sypha sighed, putting the earrings away and crawling into her soft bed. She didn't have the heart to tell her sister she didn't handle it, but she had to swallow the pressure down and cope. She could feel the migraine coming and shut her eyes tightly, hoping some rest would help.


"So I was thinking," Sachie, Sypha's mother and previous Queen, started as she took a sip of her morning tea, "I think it's time we look into some suitors."

The entire table went silent. Sypha had expected a relaxed breakfast alongside her siblings, parents, and Astrid in the garden's that morning. Just having a small talk about the weather, the 100th day party, or even her new guard. But yet it was the conversation she had hoped to never have.

"Excuse me?" Sypha had cleared her throat bringing a grape to her mouth.

"Sypha, let's not act as if this is coming out of nowhere," She replied picking up a small pastry, "You've just turned 30, you've been Queen for some time and it's time to start thinking about the future don't you think."

"Mother we have more pressing matters in the kingdom than worrying about finding Sypha a little prince," Makoto stood by his sister, giving her a nod, "Besides, if you want to become a grandmother, I'm sure Misaki will be the first of us to have children."

Misaki scoffed, throwing a blueberry at her as her mother jerked her head to her youngest child, "Now what is that supposed to mean young lady?"

"Mother, I have no idea what Makoto is going on about and if anything you should get your son a lovely woman to marry so he can stop running around with all these women," Misaki stated, bringing the small biscuit to her lips.

"Children, enough," Their father shook his head bringing the tea to his lips, "My love, now is not the time and we can discuss-."

"It will never be a right time," Sachie cut him off, placing her cup down, "I understand the pressing matters of the kingdom but relationships take time to develop and I recall you stating you want kids Sypha. There's only so much time left."

Internally Sypha had rolled her eyes. It was true that she did want a family one day with children but her mother was wrong, there would be a right time but it just wasn't now.

"I understand mother and I will think on it," Sypha let out standing, "Now if you'll excuse me."

Sypha made her way towards the infirmary leaving her family to finish the breakfast. Sybil' gaze followed till she had disappeared and he cleared his throat motioning to Makoto to follow him. His son cleared his throat wiping his face, before following his father to the gardens.

"What do you think of him?" Sybil asked with his hands behind his back, "I only know that he had saved the girls from a man but I need to know what you noticed of his behaviors."

Makoto hesitated, not sure if he should say everything.

"Tell me."

"The man is very perceptive, thinks before he makes any decision in everything. He's always watching his surroundings while still being present in any situation. Even though he was there to protect not just the girls but me, he didn't make me feel as though I was incapable, like I couldn't handle anything," Makoto stated with a firm nod.

"What was the hesitation when I asked?" His father grounded out, stopping in place.

"There was a moment I had spotted where he had to make a split decision, between going to Sypha to stand guard or grab the man responsible. I hid myself to see what he would do and he went after the man."

Sybil nodded, his hand rubbing his chin.

"What is it father?"

"I agree with what he's done, still doesn't mean I'm fond of the man."

Makoto nodded not knowing the proper response as he followed his father back to the table.

Makoto, unlike his father, didn't have a reason to not like Raiden. The man was respectful, looked out for his family, and did things differently in a way their people wouldn't. And he awakened something in his sister that he hadn't seen since she was a young. He just hoped Raiden would bring it out more as time progressed.

"Be sure to ask Sypha what she wants to do with the intruder and let me know at once," His father whispered into his ear before sitting down at the head of the table.

Makoto nodded before picking at the leftovers on his plate and tuning out Misaki's requests to their father.


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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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