Chapter 7

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Sypha nodded as he walked back over to Raiden. Closing the door behind her, Sypha listened for Sakura's footsteps in the home. The floorboard above her creaked to which she began climbing the staircase of the cottage to the second floor. Walking to the bedroom leaking light, Sypha knocked on the door awaiting the small voice to let her in.

"Come in."

Her voice sounded off to which Sypha pushed the door open watching Sakura kneeling on the floor reaching under the bed. Her positioning made Sypha anxious, prodding stomach slightly pressed against the floor and arm reaching uncomfortably.

"Sakura! Get up from the ground."

"I need to grab this, it's important. It's about T'chien..."

Sypha was quiet for a moment before walking beside Sakura kneeling next to her. She tapped the young woman to move then stuck her hand further under the bed feeling for whatever the item may be. Her hand stumbled upon a rough yet smooth surface of a small item.

Pulling her hand out, a small notepad sat in her palm. Sakura stood up with the help of Sypha and the two sat side by side on the small seating in front of the bed. Sypha went to hand it to Sakura only for the woman to push it back to her with the shake of her head.

"This belongs to T'chien. While Jun doesn't know this, he has been acting skittish the last couple of weeks. He refused to tell me what was going on... I found the book this morning."

"What does it say?" Sypha asked softly, not yet opening the pages.

"I only read the first page, I can't bear to read the rest of it. So you take it and figure out what is going on and where the love of my life is... Please."

Sypha placed the book down pulling Sakura into an embrace. She couldn't imagine what the young pregnant woman was feeling but she vowed to make everything better. She would find T'chien and he would be home for the birth of his child, she needed to make that happen.


As the corset tightened on Sypha's waist, her eyes were still far away and mind lost in a daze reflecting on the notebook. She should've put it aside to read for another day but made the decision to read it on the ride back home. Not only did it anger her but the distraught feelings of betrayal were felt all over.

In the book it detailed the beginning of T'chien's suspicion of Sasha along with a couple of other guards. Plans that were in motion, men who had turned to Sasha's side, and even names of those they are trying to join forces with. It was unfathomable the amount of intel he had received, it's probably the main reason he was captured as well.

He knew too much. And the guilt are Sypha alive.

Astrid wasn't sure of what to do or how to cheer her cousin up for the party. She doesn't really tell her much of what is going on in the palace walls. Not that Astrid cared much to know, but when it affected the Queen as such, she needed to do something.

"Sypha, would you like me to bring you a glass of wine?" Astrid asked, knowing that usually relaxed her and could help lessen the weight she may be feeling.

"Yes, please. Can you also do me a favor, make sure Misaki is dressed to leave?" Sypha mumbled as the maids began placing the light blue dressed onto her body.

"Of course, anything else?"

"Tell Shang to come in."

Astrid nodded, promptly leave the room as the maids zipped of the garment watching it hang beautifully on the Queen. A minute later, a knock rang on the door.

"Come on."

Shang walked instead, eyes firmly on the ground and body turning away from her figure. Sypha watched with a raised brow before turning and moving over to the vanity where they began working on her hair and makeup.

"Shang, you can turn."

He turned around, hands folded behind his back watching as they began working on the Queen.

"You've called for me?"

Sypha pulled open the drawer of her dresser taking out the small notebook and handing it towards Shang. Stepping forward he plucked it from her grasp turning it from front to back.

"What is it?"

"Your task for this evening."

"But I was to attend the ball with you, to keep you safe."

"This is more important," Sypha clipped, eyes darkening as she looked at him through the mirror, "Makoto will be in attendance this evening and I will have Raiden accompany me."

"Are you sure it is a good idea to bring him, my Queen?" Shang was hesitant about the idea of a man he still didn't know that well hanging on to the Queen.

"Shang, there are people in this book I need found. I give you permission to read its entirety and enlist the help of Sue-Lee, Niana, and your sister. I need them all captured, alive. And you mustn't tell anyone else about the book, we will meet in the morning."

"Yes, your majesty, I will make sure Raiden is prepared to accompany you tonight."

With a nod Sypha turns back to watch as the maids work on pulling her straight hair back. The door creaked as Astrid and Shang bumped into each other, luckily the wine stayed intact but Sypha had caught their little longing gazes at one another.

They broke away quickly and Astrid scampered over with the small glass, "Here's to a good night!"

Sypha raised her glass high before taking a long gulp, praying for a smooth evening.


Coming out of a writers block is truly something else. Slowly but surely releasing all the parts I have written fully and it feels great! Thank you so much for the patience! The next chapter will for sure be much longer with the celebration party and much more!

New chapter is up! How do we like the story so far! What do you think will happen next or what they will find out? What is Sasha planning? Comment below!

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