Chapter 10

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As Misaki and Astrid led a very drunk Makoto out of the vehicle and into the castle, Raiden began handling the unconscious man strapped tightly to the side of the trunk. Awaiting the arrival of the family, Shang moved swiftly down the outdoor staircase with Sue Lee by his side greeting the Queen and eyeing the man Raiden held over his shoulder.

"My Queen," They both spoke simultaneously as they bowed.

"Evening, I understand there are matters of urgency but let us please leave this for the morning," Sypha stated, beginning to walk into the castle exhausted from the long evening and drive, "Shang, take the prisoner from Raiden and lock him up. Sue Lee, see to it that Makoto is given the IV tonight so he is prepared for tomorrow."

As much as Sypha wanted to handle everything, she was exhausted and needed her rest immediately. The two began following her orders, leaving Raiden to follow Sypha through the halls. The area began to look familiar and he was instantly aware of just where she was taking him. She stood in front of the infirmary doors knocking twice before entering.

Dr. Lim bowed at the entry of the Queen as well as the soldiers occupying some of the beds. Sypha waved her hand before walking to a more private area directing Raiden to the bed.

"Queen Sypha I'm f-."

Raiden let out a hiss as Sypha swiftly poked his injured side with her pointer finger, "Just as I suspected, you've irritated the wound and by the look on your face I'll assume the stitches are torn as well."

"I'll be fine."

"No, I was foolish to agree for you to be my guard while not giving ample amount of time to heal. You are to be bed ridden for the next week and only focus on healing."

Bed ridden! Not once in all his years serving on Rythea or being injured was he ever bedridden, he would just work through the injury and here she was ordering him around. He couldn't do it, not with everything going on in her kingdom, she needed help!

"But Sypha-."

She held up her hand, "It has been a long evening, let Dr. Lim fix you up and get some rest. We will speak in the morning."

"I understand, have a good evening Sypha."

"And you as well Raiden."

The two held each other's gazes for a moment before Sypha made her leave.

Raiden let out a ragged breath as he began removing the top part of the kimono. Dr. Lim walked over pulling the curtain to cover Raiden and give them some privacy from the rest of the infirmary. Lim walked over in an attempt to assist but Raiden denied, pushing the kimono comfortably to his waist. Lim shook his head grabbing the necessary items to stitch him back together.

Raiden watched him carefully out the corner of his eye. Something was off with the doctor and he didn't quite understand it. His eyes darted to Lim' wrist, the one he had grabbed just days before which should've left a considerable bruise. As his sleeve shifted when closing the drawer the bruise was nowhere in sight and he knew instantly what had made him wary of the doctor.

"Raise your arm for a moment," Dr. Lim ordered coming close with fresh gauze, medicine, and needles to restitch.

As Raiden raised his arm, Dr. Lim placed the items to the side preparing to fix him up and lowered his guard. Raiden reached quickly before Dr. Lim could stop him and pulled the sleeve upwards instantly spotting the distinct tattoo. The tattoo only men born on Rythea can have.

Lim instantly defended, pushing Raiden's arm away with force and pulling his sleeve down.

"I knew it," Raiden stated with narrowed eyes.

"Knew what?" Sybil sounded pushing the curtain aside, eyeing Raiden's figure on the bed.

Dr. Lim' lips remained shut as he began cleaning Raiden's wound after greeting the previous King.

"I shouldn't have pushed myself too much," Raiden saved, closing his eyes briefly.

Sybil knew he was lying but had a feeling it wasn't that important. Stepping into the area he closed the curtain behind him and sat in a chair beside Raiden. He had heard from the drunken words of his son along with his niece, Astrid, of what had happened that evening and how Raiden had saved them. He was still wary of the man but he was thankful for what he had done.

"Let me formally introduce myself, I'm Sybil Huang, the previous King and father of Sypha, Misaki, and Makoto. We didn't have much time in the last meeting to meet."

Raiden bowed his head, hissing slightly at the alcohol poured onto the wound, "I am Raiden, it is an honor to meet you sir."

Sybil nodded before his face turned into a hardened look, "I'm thankful that you have protected my daughter, my family, from danger but you need to know this. I don't trust you but my daughter seems to so let me be clear. You do anything to break that trust, do anything to hurt her, I will take care of you. Got it?"

The last thing Raiden would do was hurt her yet he understood the King. Not only was he looking to protect their kingdom as a member of the royal family but his daughter. As a father. Raiden could understand having to protect his family.

"Yes, sir."

Sybil sized him up before making his leave, the two watching him leave the infirmary with haste.

"What are you doing here?" Raiden asked the question he'd been most curious about?

What people said about Rythea was true. The country was stunning. It rarely rained and even when it does the plant life flourished and flowers sprouted bringing color to the land. The food was even more delicious, hand made and created from plants grown and created by the most talented of chefs. The culture, the art, it all was a paradise. Taken care of by a family who had secrets no one had known, secrets that Raiden held tightly.

He just couldn't understand just how Dr. Lim ended up here. Did he happen to see something too?

Dr. Lim shook his head pointing to his ear then the curtain. He was right, too many listening ears.

"I'll check back in a few hours, make sure it is healing nicely."

To which Raiden nodded understanding the code and laid his head back trying to get some rest.


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