Chapter 4

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"What do we know so far?"

Sypha announced the question walking to her place at the head of the table as the group bowed in her presence. Her father, Sybil, poured her cup of tea that she loved early mornings and placed it in front of her chair. She kissed her fathers forehead to which he returned. Raiden pulled out the chair slowly, she smiled in thanks before seating first and the group soon followed around the room.

There were 10 people in the room including the Queen. Raiden, Makoto, Shang, Sybil, Niana (a royal guard), Kimora (Shang's sister), Hiro (a spy), Mei (a council leader), and Sue-Lee (a royal guard).

These were the people Sypha had trusted most in the kingdom. They were the ones that helped shape her into the Queen she is today and the ones who had guided her in some decision making for the kingdom. They were the only ones she could confide in with the trouble seeming to awaken from Sasha.

"T'chien was on guard duty for the cells along with Alix. Alix was stationed for the doors while T'chien was to roam the halls and keep watch on the prisoners," Shang started out before standing up, "We are not sure what had happened exactly but nothing was broken or damaged. We suspect someone else in the castle has aided with the escape or... that T'chien works alongside Sasha."

"T'chien is new but smart," Mei argued, she was one of the council members who fought for the kids place in the guard, "I don't think he would've been apart of whatever Sasha had planned knowing how much he fought for the opportunity."

Sypha had agreed. She met T'Chien years ago in different circumstances when he was just a boy. When he had gotten in trouble, stealing fruit from a small stand in the main square.


Sypha had been in the square that day, spending some time with her people and eating a delicious lunch, made by a well known chef, when she heard commotion. She had spotted the young boy being held by his collar by a larger man, the stand owner profusely scolding the young boy while taking the fruit out of his arms.

The man holding him turned, walking towards one of the guards in the center. Sypha was standing before she realized, walking up to the group. Tapping onto the larger man's shoulder, he turned with a grunt looking down at the woman.

"Look here lady, can't you see I'm doing something?!" He spat her way before turning back around.

Sypha shook her head before removing the cloth off her head and cover from her face. The guards froze, bowing instantly and the man turned around face gone pale.

"My queen, I apologize. I didn't-"

"Silence, drop the boy."

Letting go, he dropped the child apologizing profusely as he bowed. The kid frowned at the man before looking at the woman in confusion unaware of who she was, having zoned out in the man's tight hold.

"Come with me," She spoke to the kid as she began wrapping herself once more to be discreet.

The kid followed her to where she had sat moments ago, in the seat right beside her. Shang watched in confusion as she placed food on the spare plate and placed it in front of the boy. The boy looked down at the plate before Sypha.

"I'm not hungry..."

His stomach at that moment decided to rumble and Sypha nodded.

"Well, It will just be thrown away if it doesn't get eaten."

The boy scowled before placing a forkful in his mouth, "Just like you rich people, to waste food. There's people who have no food an-and..."

He stopped and just continued stuffing the food in his mouth. Shang looked at him before making eye contact with the Queen. Sypha tilted her head sharply to the side and Shang along with the other two guards moved further away from the two.

"What is your name?"


"That's unique, I like it."

He was quiet, sipping on his water.

"Why did you try to steal the fruit?"

He didn't answer and continued to eat.

"Was it because of what you were saying? People who have no food-?"

"Who are you and why are you asking so many questions?" He spit out.

"Sypha Huang. Queen Sypha Huang..."

The body stopped chewing, dropping his fork.

"I'm sorry-."

"How old are you T'chien?" Sypha cut off taking a sip of her tea.



"Where is your family?"

"My father died and my mother is sick, bed ridden."

Sypha's heart twinges at that, unable to imagine what it must be like for the young boy to have to do it all for his mother. For himself. Although what he did was wrong, Sypha doesn't know what she would do if it was her in his place. Tough decisions to be made for just a child, a child who had to grow up too soon.

But maybe she could do something, something to help him and his mother.

"T'chien, how would you like a chance to change your life?"

End of Flashback...

"Well the best thing we can do now is speak with the guards Sasha kept closest," Sypha's father stated looking over at his daughter.

"I agree. Kimora, Niana, and Sue-Lee will question the guards," Sypha stated, "Hiro will go into the kingdom and bring Mei, see if any word is being spread."

Hiro and Mei glance at each other briefly, panic rising in their eyes while their faces remain passive.

"My queen I don't think-," Mei started

"My queen it wouldn't be-," Hiro blurted at the same time.

Sypha raised an eyebrow and they both stopped.

"You two are discreet and work well together from what I have seen over the years. Will it be a problem?"

"No, my queen." They both agreed, although Sypha could tell that's the last thing they wanted to do.

They'll just have to get over whatever is going on between them, she thought. Sypha cleared her throat.

"My father will run things along with the council while Makoto, Raiden, Shang, and I visit T'Chien's home. Maybe, we can get some information from his family."

"Any questions?"

The group was silent, no questions. Everyone was aware of what was going on moving forward, aware of what made their roles so important, and aware of what was at stake.

"Good, now let's get moving. Thank you."


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