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Lord Kang strode down the palace corridor, as he rounded a corner, he caught sight of Minister Yoon up ahead, seemingly lost in thought.

Seizing the opportunity, Kang quickened his pace and swept into a respectful bow as he approached the elder statesman. "Minister Yoon, a moment if you would."

Yoon turned, eyeing Kang with mild surprise that quickly gave way to an inscrutable mask. "Ah, Lord Kang. I've heard you've been...elusive of late. Avoiding my summons, perhaps?"

Kang met the minister's shrewd gaze evenly, offering neither confirmation nor denial. "I believe you wished to convene regarding matters of state?"

A calculating look flickered across Yoon's features, though it disappeared just as swiftly. "Indeed, indeed," he said with an airy wave of his hand. "Though first, might I inquire after more...personal affairs?"

The unspoken implication hung between them like a taut cord. Kang suppressed the urge to tense, keeping his expression one of polite interest as he inclined his head for Yoon to continue.

The minister stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I recently heard some...disturbing reports of rebel activity along our northern borders."

It wasn't a question, but the weighted pause that followed made it clear Yoon expected some manner of response. Kang allowed a crease in his brow, projecting an air of measured concern.

"Rebel activity? How distressing," he murmured. "Though I trust our garrison commanders have the situation well in hand."

Yoon made a noncommittal noise low in his throat. "One would certainly hope so," he allowed. "Still, such rumblings are...disconcerting, are they not? Especially in these uncertain times."

As he spoke, his beady eyes seemed to bore into Kang, as if trying to gauge the younger man's reaction. For his part, Kang held that penetrating stare with an outward facade of polite attentiveness.

"You refer, of course, to the recent arrests of those conspirators within the palace walls," he stated, keeping his deep voice carefully modulated.

Yoon's eyebrows rose a fraction, though his expression remained studiously neutral. "So you are aware of the details then?"

Kang inclined his head shallowly. "Only what I was informed by the Queen herself, Minister. That certain...malcontents attempted a plot of some kind, which was thankfully discovered and dealt with before it could bear fruit."

He paused, letting that lingering silence spin out between them for a beat before adding mildly, "Though I confess, I'm somewhat surprised you were not already apprised of the particulars yourself."

It was a subtle jab, though whether the crafty minister detected the implied slight was impossible to discern. Yoon simply hummed again, his features betraying nothing.

"I see, I see," he mused, one hand stroking his wispy beard in an unconscious gesture. "Well, as His Majesty's most trusted advisors, I'm sure we will both be kept...fully apprised as events merit."

Kang offered no response to that, allowing the heavily weighted insinuation to hang in the air between them. He watched as Yoon seemed to mull over his next words with uncharacteristic hesitation.

At last, the minister spoke again, his tone taking on a more measured quality that immediately set Kang's instincts on edge.

"Tell me, Lord Kang," Yoon began carefully. "Where do your own...allegiances lie in such uncertain times?"

The question remained in the air like a taut bowstring. Kang could sense the true implications laced between those seemingly innocuous words - the subtle feeler being extended, the chance to align himself firmly with one side or another of whatever clandestine machinations were unfolding.

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